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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,238
20-11-2024, 10:27 PM   #1

Thursday Daily.

Good morning ladies,
Thursday morning around 9:30am here and the weather is a bit cooler today. It rained overnight and the forecast is for it to continue raining with heavy falls out on the peninsula. It doesn't worry me as I've got no washing to hang out anyway. I caught up with all that yesterday.

Right, now I hope you are both sitting down because I've got some news to tell you both. I swear I'm jinxed or something, because if something bad is going to happen to anyone, it's going to happen to me !! This is about the harry the cat calendars. Burwood Hospital have been producing these calendars for 10 years now and all has been well. The very year that I want some, there are problems. I got a phone call on Monday saying they were available at the main desk, so on Tuesday ,after my physio appointment, I head over there, only to be told that there has been a problem. It seems that the pictures of the cat are fine but the calendar has this years dates on it, not the correct dates for 2025. The printer won't reprint them as he says it is the hospital's fault for not checking the proof he sent and so the only alternative is to make copies of next years dates and maybe glue them over the ones already on there. OK, so they're not going to look so great, but at least they'll still be of Harry. I don't know when they'll be ready but hopefully soon. I hate sending you something that looks imperfect, but I'll see what they're like and take it from there. I should have known something would go wrong. It's the story of my life.

My physio went well on Tuesday. I've just got to try and practise my walking more, so I'll go out for a walk today if the rain stops. I just wish this awful pain in my whole leg would stop. I haven't heard the results from the x-rays yet ,but I know that I will not be having another operation any time soon. With my luck, I'll end up with only one leg !!!

Not sure what to have for tea tonight. Last night we had a Thai takeout which was lovely. Maybe fish cakes and salad tonight. Or if it's cold and raining, I might just have soup and a bread roll.

PAMELA, I hope Hamish settled down in his crate the other night for you and you managed to get some sleep. Wow, that's a lot of IT requests you were asked to do but I'm glad your boss was appreciative and you got some time off to buy xmas gifts for your niece and nephew. I suppose you've got them all wrapped up now. You are horrible buying the young ones a keyboard and a drum kit but boy, they are going to love them. Their poor mum and dad. You'll be looking forward to xmas dinner at Steven's mum's place and with all those dogs running around, there is sure to be a lot of fun. Thank goodness they all get on. and there'll be no fighting. AND how lovely that you're going to Blackpool soon with your sister and niece and her boyfriend. I hope you have a great time together. I know you must have loved the Corrs last Saturday night, Pamela ,and how thoughtful of Steven to get the tickets. You have a wonderful guy there. !The Corrs played here last year i think it was, and we could hear them from our back lawn. Yes, they did sound good. Coldplay gave 3 concerts up in Auckland last weekend and they got rave reviews. I would have liked to have gone to one of their concerts, but unfortunately they didn't come to Christchurch. and it would have been too hard for me to get to Auckland.

SHELLEY,how are you? Working hard, I expect. Have there been any recent doll fairs that you've been to?I suppose you're getting all geared up for xmas now and probably have done all your xmas shopping, unlike me who hasn't done anything yet. I'm almost afraid to start in case something goes wrong. Knowing my luck, it will. Malaika may have slowed down a bit, but I'm sure she's in great health and I know you look after her so well .Both your dogs have a wonderful life with you and I'm sure Malaika will be with you for a long time yet. I do know that it is sad when our pets start to slow down a bit. I went through the same thing with Willow, but they are still enjoying life and that's all that matters. My vet, Michele, wants to put Snoddy under and remove some of his teeth. Snoddy is 12 now and he's not a good 12 either. His teeth don't bother him - he eats hard biscuits and doesn't dribble or anything - and I'm just going to leave it unless his teeth do start bothering him. It's going to be bad enough for him getting shaved by the groomer. Gosh, our pets do cause us so much worry ,don't they?

Well ladies,I'm off now to go for a walk while it's not raining. Of course it will start up again as soon as I go outside, but what the heck !!!

Have a great Thursday Pamela and Shelley and don't work too hard.

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