Good afternoon ladies.
Its damp here but not raining. Steven and i are off for a couple of days. We were going to go to the christmas markets in Glasgow today but Stevens friend called him as his mum has been very poorly for most of the year and has been in and out of hospital and has now sadly been given between weeks to months left. He was hoping STeven would spend some time with him so of course we have cancelled our plans as Riad needs Steven more, we will just go to the markets tomorrow instead.
I was out with my friend last night for dinner and shopping and had a good catch up. We are going to cut down our christmas tree on Sunday which i am looking forward to just hoping it stays dry!! Will be a good afternoon anyway getting the tree and then hot chocolate and pizza afterwards
Dinky, how did you get on with your appointment today? I hope all went well. How is Janna doing? Is she working today?
Shelley, i hope you are having a good day at work. DO you have any plans for the weekend?
HAve a great weekend ladies