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17-05-2006, 07:01 PM   #91

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

She only ate her dry food this morning, and I decided during the day that I was only going to give her till Mon for the meds to get her eating better before talking to the vet again. WE had an excellent eve though, she ate her antibiotics herself (I dabbed Primula on them and she wolfed them), and put her Metacam in more Primula that she ate. Adn then she ate a full pouch and 20g of biscuits, so obv feeling better. I still dont think she will keep the leg, but if I can get her pain free for 2 weeks then it is better for her.

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17-05-2006, 07:53 PM   #92

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Much better! Easier operation for both of you, if it comes to that.
Glad you've had a good evening - that's a lot of food for her, and a nice break for you.

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17-05-2006, 08:59 PM   #93

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Glad you have had a better day today BT

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17-05-2006, 09:04 PM   #94

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Cheers - I am setting myself up for the op though, as while the meds might be reducing the pain and poss inflammation enough for her to feel better in herself, they are so strong that it isnt a long term solution (the dosage of Metacam she is on can cause kidney issues if kept on long term), and only a week of being off Metacam was enough for a setback. The other thing is that there is arthritis, shortness of bone and loss of muscle to consider, so even if this does work, I think it is something that will flare up again, and next time, she could be jumping etc and cause herself more damage, so I dont think it is worth it, she will be able to adapt to an amputation.

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17-05-2006, 09:06 PM   #95

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Certainly sounds like the best way forward for her. You are right, long term metacam can cause problems..I'm sure she will have a new lease of life after her amputation

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17-05-2006, 09:12 PM   #96

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Thanks, it does mean so much to me to know that - esp when neither of the two people who know me were in the slightest bit supportive - one asked about the likelihood of her surviving, and then went on about how she couldnt bear to think about it (shame I dont have that luxury) and my neighbour (supposed cat lover and ex rescue person) thinks it is really drastic and is there no other option - she even wondered if they could break the bone and reset it, not sure why she doesn't think that is drastic!!
She is still eating well, but still eating mainly dry, which I am not that happy about, but at the moment as long as I can get her eating decent meals, I dont care what they consist of. She is a slim cat, which will go in her favour.

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18-05-2006, 08:41 AM   #97

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

I've met both front limb and rear limb cat amputees, and they have adapted really well and lived happy, healthy lives.
Best wishes to you and Pebbles.
Hope your health will improve now the decision is made.

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18-05-2006, 03:09 PM   #98

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

I am so glad to hear that.
She barely ate this morning, and only moved to go to the water bowl and turn away from me when I was trying to get food into her, so not a good day, and if we have one good day followed by one bad day, then the op is the best thing for her, as this is no quality of life. She will also sleep on the bed while I am on the comp (what a good excuse to go on the comp rather than do the housework!!), but wont come on the bed at night, and she hasn't slept on the bed all week.

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18-05-2006, 09:45 PM   #99

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

Have had a chat with the vet, and she is very reluctant to do the op and wants to give her the weekend on meds before making any decision. I can understand why, there is a risk she wont make it, and there is a risk that it will take her the rest of the year to recover, and if there was just inflammation I would feel a lot happer about keeping her on meds, but she has signs of arthritis, a shorter bone and less muscle in that leg - and either one or a combination is causing this weakness in her leg that is no longer occasional, it seems every time I see her walking (which is very rare I have to admit, hopefully I will be able to assess her more over the weekend) and is stopping her going outside, which makes her unhappy, plus I am worried that it will go while she is jumping down and cause more damage, but did forget to mention that to the vet. Vet is upping her Metacam to 3 drops a day, despite my reservations, and if there is no improvement in her eating by Mon, then we will have to see where to go next. IF she has to have the op, she will be at the vets for 2 days and will have to have cage rest when she comes home, luckily I have a very large cage.

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19-05-2006, 06:56 AM   #100

Re: Pebbles is having to go to the vets tomorrow

I keep a post-it with all the things I want to say the next time I see the vet, or I would forget 2/3 of them. Hopeless, me.
Fingers crossed for a reasonable weekend!

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