I've been very interested in this thread Elaine. It's great that reiki has heped Eva and that Bob has demonstrated his healing skills. I think a lot more credit is due to 'alternative' therapy that traditional medicine will allow. Certainly the mind has powers we have not tapped into yet.
I think it's bizzare and not a little unfair that reiki is seen as a little 'kooky' or unscientific when there has been evidence of success. After all, medical men are happy to accept that psychotherapy and CBT are worthy but not other healing therapies.
I have two friends going through cancer treatment at the moment, both are having medicine ( chemo and radiotherapies) and both have poor prognoses. Yet they have reached out to spiritual healing in different ways and they are both here long after the doctors expected. Yes, the power of love is so strong, I bet Eva feels that all around her and will overcome.