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Catsey Junior
Cats owned: George - Black DSH w/ red & brown
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Shropshire, UK
Posts: 43
02-10-2010, 08:35 PM   #101

Re: Amputation of hind leg :(

Hi Dandysmom, it is shocking! And it was very shocking at the time I found out, especially after all the emotions I went through n even slightly contemplating having him put to sleep. It actually makes me feel a little sick to think about it. But apart from the Rodent Ulcers hes brilliant, has a few off days when hes being lazy but a definately more contented happy cat now more than ever.
And thank you Shelley123!! He's only 2 so I hope hes got a long happy life to look forward to

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03-10-2010, 10:52 AM   #102

Re: Amputation of hind leg :(

Hi Abby, sorry to hear George is feeling a bit poorly again . . . hopefully the ulcer will be under control and cleared away very soon.

I'm interested to read that George's amputation was unnecessary - I can understand your anger at having to put him through such a traumatic operation for what has transpired to be no reason at all.

You might not be aware but I've been going through similar with my Fifi; she's got a recurring crusty scab which has been operated on a couple of times and keeps returning. Vet says possible cancer, but Fifi seems completely unconcerned. I'm holding off with making the amputation decision for the very reason nobody can give me a categoric yes or no and admit to being a bit disappointed that nobody can give me a clear diagnosis.

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Catsey Junior
Cats owned: George - Black DSH w/ red & brown
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Shropshire, UK
Posts: 43
03-10-2010, 02:14 PM   #103

Re: Amputation of hind leg :(

I can completely sympathise with you yola! Even when he had his toe removed they couldnt decide what it was that had caused his toe to swell, if I remember rightly 6 specialists looked at the results, 2 said gout, 2 said fungal and 2 said cancer. When his next toe flared up and his lymph nodes were swollen the vet said she had a high suspicion that whatever it was was spreading and fast. She'd also previously said that gout was out the question and it couldnt have been fungal - leaving only cancer.

I am devastated that my poor George had to go through all of this - not realising where a leg had gone or why. I remember crying for days just because I felt awful doing this to him - and even thinking about putting him to sleep makes me angry.

The results on his leg were inconclusive. There was nothing wrong with his lymph nodes but his other toe had flared up with what had been in the previous toe. All the vets could say to me was 'well the good thing is it hadnt spread to his leg - which could have spread to organs - however the amputation might have been for no reason'

Although, I know George isnt unhappy, hes a little trooper and I would actually like to put on bets that he runs faster with 3 legs than he did 4
Its not even been a year and its like hes always had 3 legs. I do just worry every now and again, because I dont know what caused all of this, it could just come back unexpected and elsewhere and again - they wont know what to do.

And Im sure you feel the same with Fifi and the re-occuring scab. Have they done tests on it yola? Did they find anything? I guess with the both of us its all what if's? Like what if I didnt have his leg amputated? What if it was cancer and had spread to an organ?

If Fifi is showing no signs to being aggrivated or in pain I would be confused like you. Its hard!
I know when George is under the weather cause he goes straight off his food...nothing else...just hardly eats.

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03-10-2010, 10:37 PM   #104

Re: Amputation of hind leg :(

my neighbours cat was run over an the only way to save er was to amputate 1 of her back legs.she lived for another 6/7 years without it and was still happy and agile without it. They can still lead happy lives with 3 legs

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