Been to the vets, I mentioned that Mildred hardly has any appetite. The vet examined her and said she was really constipated so she gave her an enema with a more or less instant result! I have to give her another enema this evening, which will be fun as she hated the one she had this morning

She also has some Lactulose to take. Other than that the vet was very pleased with her. She has agreed to give her a calcium and vit D supplement to try and prevent a reoccurance of the eclampsia now she has milk again and is feeding some babies.
I also took one of her babies with her, I have two babies that have dropped weight since yesterday. One of them seems perkyish in himelf and is attempting to still suckle, the other is less interested in feeding, so he is the one I took to the vet. The vet could find nothing at all obvious wrong with him, his temperature was normal and he was bright and alert, she checked his heart and lungs and eyes, nose and mouth, all appears quite normal

She has given him some subcutaneous fluids and a vitamin supplement but my gut instinct is not good for this little one. I've tried supplement feeding him with little success, so healing vibes for him and the other little one that has also dropped some weight please..