Well we still have the 6 babies, it's a blimmin' miracle tho! there are 3 of them that are really not pulling any trees up and need hand feeding every two hours. I'm absolutely shattered and to top it all, hubby has been off work today with a really nasty tummy bug

I've tried to phone Kay to warn her before she sets off up here just incase she would prefer to keep away until it has abated but haven't been able to get in touch with her as yet.
On a brighter note, Mildred has managed to go to the toilet without aid this evening

I was only saying to hubby earlier that I would have to go and get some more enemas tomorrow as she hadn't 'been'. It was extremely runny but then she has been pumped with lactulose
Just hanging about now until the babies are ready for a feed then it's a case of get my head down for a couple of hours or so before the next feed is due