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Oh, Teddie Teddie. ![]() Trouble is, all the chopping and changing is probably doing no good either. ![]() I wonder if she would do better on almost permanent 'invalid' cat food? Boiled chicken, steamed white fish. Add a kitty vitamin pill occasionally. Keep it up for weeks at least, maybe months until she's grown/spayed? Or even raw food (but that's another avenue all together). I dunno Alex. I know vets now make a deal of money from specialist food (my Min is on her renal diet food) and there may be a tendancy for them to recommend one after another, rather than do a bit of lateral thinking. Sorry - random ramblings here, not recommendations. You do what you think is right for you both. Take care x |
You are saying exactly what I am thinking DM! I'm really wondering whether my vets is acting in Teddies best interests or theirs! I have decided to give her today and tomorrow on this food along with the probiotic and see how she goes. If there is no improvement I will probably take her off it all completely and try her on the chicken again. Problem is, that the last time she was on a chicken diet, it didn't do her any good. Though perhaps with the probiotic it might be different this time. I need to find an answer fast though, as I can't keep doing this to her. It's not fair to her at all. Where would I get cat vitamin pills from DM? |
I was just thinking Kitzyme, that sort of thing. Just bog standard pet-shop fare. Obviously a diet restricted to just meat & fish lacks some things they would get if eating 'naturally' - feather/bone etc, so you could try and make up for that. Dorwest herbs (easy to google) do lots of natural concoctions to help pets. They will speak on the phone or by email, though of course they stress that they are not vets and any advice is not veterinary. They might offer a potential remedy or just a supplement if she has to have a restricted diet. Wish my trainee-vet neice was further in her studies - I would pick her brain for you. |
Thanks DM. You have been a lot of help to me on here (as has everyone). One of these days I will come on here shouting EUREKA! (hopefully) |
I just have the feeling that if you can keep her going, get nourishment into her and get her body grown she will be much more able to cope with life and her unreliable gut. |
Thats very true. She grew so much over the last week 'cause her little body didn't have everything running out of her. But personally I think she will always be a small cat now as she has gone so long lacking the growth nutrients. Cooper is a week younger than her and almost double her size! |
Alex - I think homeopathy is certainly worth ago. I have been sent some homeopathic pillules by a friend of mine that she is hopeful will help Porsha's rhinitis problems. I haven't started using them yet but I think I may as well give them a go as it seems I have nothing to lose really. So it might be worth you giving Dorwest herbs a ring? If it's any consolation, I know exactly how you are feeling right now. Please feel free to pm me if you wish and we can both moan together! |
Teddie quite poorly again tonight! I'm sitting here fighting back tears at the moment as I just don't know what else to do for her. It is so heartbreaking to watch her going back and forth from the litter tray (not making it half the time) and just hearing her little back end explode. It ends up running down her back legs which means washing her, which means upsetting her even more. It is all the more upsetting considering how well she had been doing last week. It was like she was a different kitten, and now she's all sore and miserable again. The upshot of this as well is that I'll have to cancel the appointment I had to get her registered with a PDSA practice, because they wont take her on if she's unwell. I'm sorry for offloading on you guys again, but I'm just so upset and don't know where else to go from here. |
Oh dear ![]() |