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03-06-2011, 04:22 PM   #11

Re: Funday Friday

Hi from much cooler Washington: 10 degrees more so than yesterday at this time. It's 18 C (64 F), not much sun and a rather brisk breeze. Sweater and jeans, not shorts and tee like yesterday. Book boxing continues, as does throwing out stuff; Chris was over yesterday afternoon and put out 6 boxes of books, a rowing machine, an exercise bicycle, 2 old analog TVs, 2 book cases and a broken cocktail table!! Leia is fine, missing the boxes then they were empty.

Angie, MrsH, we need rain here too. Squirrel, sympathy on the fasting required test, not fun starving all day! Velvet. lucky you to have someone to mow for you! PP, you were up with, no, before, the chickens! Squirrel, hope you make it in time for the delivery man. Pamela, enjoy the early afternoon quitting time.

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cats' staff's Avatar
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03-06-2011, 07:45 PM   #12

Re: Funday Friday

Lovely warm day here. I have a cold beer and am about to wander round the garden to water the pots.
Squirrel, I know what you mean about doctors and time! Pamela, hope you enjoyed handing in your notice.
We also need rain here. I have onion suspended in cracks in the clay and doubt I can harvest the spuds without a pickaxe.
Posh- you were up incredibly early! I'm impressed. I wish I were naturally a morning person, particularly in this weather, but I'm not. On work days the alarm goes at 6:20 and I ALWAYS struggle to leave the duvet!
Angie, hope you are recovered?

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lynz85's Avatar
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03-06-2011, 07:50 PM   #13

Re: Funday Friday

evening all! lovely day here, really hot but with a nice wind. not been up to much all week, just working and coming home to catch up with some tv and looking after the sick ratties. settled down tonight, watching britains got talent with a pizza and can of irn bru

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03-06-2011, 09:07 PM   #14

Re: Funday Friday

Had a very productive day. Did my Curves workout and cut the lawn and bagged the grass. Lovely out in the sunshine but had to wear a hat and sunscreen as it was over the midday sun time. Posh had more sense and stayed in the cool indoors.

So tired now so going for a shower and an early night.
Goodnight all

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