Originally Posted by dinahsmum
Donna - I think this previous posting from you could have a lot to do with her apprehension
"She did have a problem with a bowl once - stainless steel - it got stuck to her collar as she had a magnet on it for the cat flap and she was scared as the bowl stuck to her and as she ran it tipped up all over.
(Did look funny but looking back she might be a bit scared due to this incident)"
Could you just tip her food onto a feeding mat, as far away from where this incident happened as you can manage? Do without anything looking like a bowl or plate at all? It's amazing what hang-ups animals can have, from the silliest (to us) things, and this incident actually sounds quite scarey.
And I think it's also the case that many people overfeed their pets - vets see a lot more overweight than underweight animals.
Thinking about this further - at the moment I feed the cats in a lobby to the rear of the house. It is off the kitchen, but also leads to the bathroom and the WC. It also has my kitchen bin in there. Lots of coming and going at the busy times, when they are feeding I suppose. Also she is scared of black bin bags
no idea why bin bags. But obviously with the bin being near where she eats it could be a problem
So in the area where she eats she has a scary bin, lots of people coming and going, and it is where the "bowl" incident happened!!
Hmm, its great when you get other people's viewpoints!!! The house is gonna be a complete tip for the next week or so, and when the builders are in, I am going to keep the cats in my bedroom so they will have their food up there anyway. When the kitchen is done, I might have to rethink everything.