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07-05-2008, 07:12 PM   #11

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

ok ive heard from the vet, they have drained his bladder and they said he was immedinately more comfortable. they are going to keep a catheter in over night and possibly through tomorrow to see how quick the grit is building up.

we were told that it was mineral crystals(he had a look under the microscope) maybe caused by his diet-would his diet do this? the vet said he would talk more about his diet with us tomorrow but Raven is on burns chicken and brown rice and just this week we started feeding 1/4 pouch hi life mixed in with dry of an evening(to wean them onto it) and gravy mixed in with morning feed.

would he maybe need a prescription diet now? ive been looking online and it seems he might. i suppose all these questions should be for the vet but im still worrying so wondered what experience people had with kitties having mineral crystals? i also dont want to be sold a diet that he may not need, i dont think my vets would do that but you never know.

atleast hes happier now and thats the main thing so i can relax a little, will feel much better when i see him tomorrow. been told to ring back after 10 in the morning to see whats what, thats going to be torture to wait in the morning too!

thank god he is insured though, hoping this will all be covered on that or we might be selling the other cats to pay for his vet bills

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07-05-2008, 09:27 PM   #12

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

Merlin suffered from the same thing originally. He had a blockage and struvite crystals were found. He was on a high acid diet for many years - I am still not sure he needed to be on it for that long. Then he flared up with non-specific urinary problems and on ultra-sound grit like substances were found in his bladder. He continued with the high acid diet (Royal Canin which was then taken over by Waltham - the Whiskas people). About 2 years ago, he refused point blank to eat any more of the prescription food, so I have been feeding him on Felix pouches ever since and, apart from a couple of cystitis like infections, he has been fine. But then he is an old cat - will be 22 in July so I felt that I could feed him what he liked and what he will eat and b***** the consequences.

I decided to get him a new litter tray and the old one had patches that were almost eaten away by the acid in his urine over the years.

He has never been fed on dry food only. And I have been trying to remember how old he was when he was neutered, and all I can say is that he was 12 weeks +.

Poor Raven seems terribly young to be affected so badly. I do hope that you and your vet can sort something out to manage his problems so that at least he is comfortable.

Let us know how he does tomorrow. Poor sweetheart - healing vibes to him and more ****HUGS**** for you.

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08-05-2008, 10:06 AM   #13

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

AngieH: Thankyou for telling me about your boy, how is he now? did you find the waltham diet helped while he was on it or did he still have problems then?

the vet rang this morning and said they are very happy with him this morning but they want to keep the catheter in for 24 hours which means hes at the vets again tonight im missing him like mad and AJ was lookin for him through the night. its worse because up until this week Raven slept downstairs but this week he had started sleeping next to me on the bed. i hope hes coping ok, because i know im not!

vet said once they remove the catheter they want to moniter for another 12-24 hours to make sure hes ok so we are looking at no earlier then tomorrow afternoon for him coming home he said the cathater is flowing at the moment and no more obstructions have formed so thats good news, but he said his bladder was stretched quite alot from it being so full so this is another reason for monitoring.

they are going to start him on a prescription diet this morning so hopefully by tomorrow afternoon we will know if he is eating it ok or not-he is not only the most anti social kitty we have but also the fussiest when it comes to food, just our luck! suppose you have to laugh though.

the diet he said would be the waltham one too so fingers crossed that works. i have asked how much the damage is and we are on £213 so far so not as bad as i was expecting considering they probably would have classed him as an emergency last night doing it after surgery hours. its not over yet though so thank god for insurance!

i might try and pop in to see him today if i can but im also wondering if thats a good idea because i dont want him to think we are bringing him home. im just missing him so much.

i shall update as soon as i know more, thankyou again everyone for all the advice and support, it has truely helped!

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08-05-2008, 10:56 AM   #14

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

I am glad he is a bit better. Simon and Guinness are on a presciption only diet Hills Science C/D. They started off on the wet kind but they went off it and are on a dry one now. Simon started off with his problems in Dec 2006 and was neutered when he was cathiterised. Guinness has had problems since March 2007. They both ok on it infact my other 2 cats are on it as well.

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08-05-2008, 11:27 AM   #15

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

Hi JB - thanks for the update on poor Raven. It sounds as if the worst might be over (fingers crossed). Merlin ate the Waltham prescription food for more years than I care to remember. In fact, the recipe/look and packaging changed at least 3 times. He was OK with the beef variety but used to throw up with the chicken, which is odd because he can eat "ordinary" chicken OK. He was never much of a one for the gravy or juice though and my other cat Smudge really liked it, so that worked well although she never had any problems in the urinary department.

Hope all goes well. I can understand you being undecided about visiting your cat in vet hospital. I have to admit I did not visit Merlin when he was hospitalised. I think it would have been too upsetting for both of us - although, like you, I phoned up every day!

Good luck - do let us know how you get on.

Healing vibes and ***HUGS*** a-plenty coming your way.

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08-05-2008, 04:09 PM   #16

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

Thankyou both, good to hear that all the kitties are doing well, gives me more hope for Raven even if he is only young. i did think it would be the hills prescription diet they would put him on as the last time i was there that was what their food display was so i was bit shocked when he said the waltham one, but i suppose its whatever he thinks is best.

AngieH: those healing vibes and hugs are definatelty helping! and i shall be sure to tell Raven how worried everyone has been about him bless him.

i just rang the vets again then and the receptionist said hes doing really well still so he has literally just been taken into theatre to have the catheter removed. just a waiting game until tomorrow now. i asked if he had managed to get anyone with his nails yet but she said hes been very well behaved, making a liar out of me more like hehe just glad hes doing ok even if i am missing him so badly. cant wait to cuddle him! will update tomorrow as soon as i know more and will be sure to get piccies of the kittie in question once hes home too to say thanks to everyone

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08-05-2008, 05:25 PM   #17

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

I'm sure that all animals react to how they are handled and the staff at your vet sounds as if they have handled Raven gently and firmly. I was told that Merlin was good when he was in hospital and the only trouble they had was with the ultrasound and the vet called me in to hold him while they used the whateveritscalled! (just like antenatal ultrasound).

Glad things are looking up and hope you can bring him home soon. Did you ask how he'd got on with the food?

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08-05-2008, 05:40 PM   #18

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

oh i never doubted how the staff would handle Raven, but he is one of these kitties who will lie purring on your lap half alseep and the next second hes wrapped himself around your arms biting and scratching leaving you looking like you have had a fight with barb wire i usually manage to avoid it because i can read his mood changes quite well but he still gets me sometimes, and my fiance even more lol so i am very glad he is behaving, though its probably because he is unsure whats happening bless him.

i actually forgot to ask about the food but i assume they would have mentioned if they had trouble with him. i just want tomorrow to come now and want to hear them say he can come home then il be ok

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08-05-2008, 05:48 PM   #19

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

Your Raven sounds so like Merlin - purring or asleep and attack cat next minute. Exactly, to a "T"! He has calmed down a bit now though. The first vet I took him to all those years ago thought he was "psychologically disturbed" and the phrase always makes me think of the song from West Side Story "Gee, Officer Krupke"! He had a disturbed kittenhood!!!

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08-05-2008, 06:36 PM   #20

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

Great news that Raven is improving, I hope it won't be long before he is back home with you..

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