Originally Posted by Fran
{{{Hugs}}} Alex, did your vet mention how difficult it is to pick up certain parasites in stool samples? Often many samples need to be sent. Just because Teddie had a negative test doesn't mean there aren't any parasites. Just a thought as it really could be something a simple as this. How did she respond when she had the Metronidazole?
When she was on the metronidazole and the promax paste, she actually had a good few weeks Fran, but as soon as they both stopped, the runs started again. The vet didn't mention putting her on anything more, tbh I get the feeling that because I don't have the money to do test after test, he's not interested in Teddie at all, which is why I have now developed a great deal of dislike for vets as a whole. I think that the vast majority of them are money grabbes and have no real interest in the welfare of the animals they are treating. I've spent well over £300 on her since I brought her home, the vet has given me 2 different types of medication on more than one occasion that do the same thing. We are no nearer to knowing what the problem is, and I don't have any more money available to me to go the bloody vets! I'm struggling like crazy because I've used money on Teddie that should have paid bills, yet these people won't let me have an acount where I can pay money up every week. I would think that my commitment to Teddie and getting her sorted would count for something, but no!! Sorry to rant on again, but my blood boils when I think of that vet now