I'm twolegger1, as he saw me first.
We did the Shorthair Cat Club show in Glenrothes yesterday. Another second in the open, but a first-of-six in a side class and another two seconds and thirds in well-filled sides, so I just need to time my showing to the one time that the two better cats are not there. ^-^ Or that the judge that likes him better is judging the open, of course.

He was a bit unsettled ths time around. I think because we arrived when the setting-up was in full swing so there was no walk when we got there and no peace to sette down in his cage before the crowds arrived. We'll get there early again next time. Enough time for a nice 15 minute investigation of the bushes around the car-park before the show opens and one of the first in.
Rover's Mum died last week. Cancer. I didn't know you well, grand and gracious lady, but you were dear to my heart and the reason I have my Rover.