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20-03-2009, 03:56 PM   #11

Re: weeing problems.


Took Meka to the vets today and she has lost over ten % of her body weight in 6 weeks.

The vet also thinks that all the odd vocalisations and other behaviour is about her not feeling well generally.

He wants me to feed her whatever she wants to eat for two weeks and then take her back to be weighed. If she has put on weight then we will discuss action, if she hasn't then he will do another bout of blood test.

If those come back clear he wants to sort out her teeth. (she has gingevitis but i feel really guilty that i do not have the £200 - £300 it is going to take to get it done. She is insured, but it is having the money to pay them in the first place that is the problem at the moment)

I took her home and gave her a pouch of wet cat food and then some haddock poached in milk, which she gobbled down.

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20-03-2009, 05:48 PM   #12

Re: weeing problems.

Oh dear i am sorry to read this, the thing is that bad teeth can contribute to further damage to the kidneys and may also be a great deal to do with her weight loss.

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20-03-2009, 08:02 PM   #13

Re: weeing problems.

That is sad news. Any chance of discussing payment terms with your vet?

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20-03-2009, 09:16 PM   #14

Re: weeing problems.

Originally Posted by Elaine
Oh dear i am sorry to read this, the thing is that bad teeth can contribute to further damage to the kidneys and may also be a great deal to do with her weight loss.
Yes i feel guilty about it, but we just don't have the money at the moment at all. My partner has had three days work this week, and it looks like he will have three days next week and the week after ....which will ease the money issues, but unfortunately the clients have 30 days to pay so we won't benefit imediately (he was made redundant in November - can't remember if i said)

Originally Posted by dandysmom
That is sad news. Any chance of discussing payment terms with your vet?
The vet had said that he would like to take payment directly from the insurance company but the practice manager won't let him, he has asked if they could make an acception but they just won't do it.

The good news is that she has eaten lots today. She didn't want the haddock but has eaten almost two pouches of chicken in jelly. Initially she licked all the jelly off the meat chunks, so i added another pouch and mashed it all together with a fork and she has eaten the lot. She is eating again now, which is great, and she really seems to be enjoying it. I wonder if she just didn't like the renal diet, or maybe she prefer the wet stuff because it is more gentle on her teeth.

She did have some work done on her teeth four years ago.

Fingers crossed that she will put on weight in the next two weeks and we see some more money coming in to be able to pay for more treatment asap.

She seems happy today and is really interested in the goings on in the kitchen and the new food.

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20-03-2009, 10:29 PM   #15

Re: weeing problems.

That's good news that she's livelier and eating so well. I think it's better they eat what they like even though it's not what the vet recommended...it may not be the perfect diet but at least they're keeping their weight up, which is bound to help allover health more than half-starving because they hate the prescription food. I agree the wet food may be easier on her teeth. A pity the vet's manager is so inflexible ......

Keep us posted how she's doing.

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20-03-2009, 11:49 PM   #16

Re: weeing problems.

That is good news, I am sorry about your partner being made redundant, it must be very worrying financially. I am also sorry the practice manager wont allow any sort of lee way with payment.
With respect to her eating again, I am very pleased. I take it the renal food you were feeding was the dry food? With CRF wet food is always considered to be best due to water content and CRF cats not being able to retain enough fluid. The wet food would also be less painful for her to eat regarding her dental issue. You may also want to try adding a little boiled water to her wet food, let it cool before feeding, but by doing this you will enhance the smell of the food for her as well as topping up her fluid level a little.

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20-03-2009, 11:56 PM   #17

Re: weeing problems.

Oh, I agree completely about adding the warm water to the wet food; have been doing that for Leia since she had a bout of cystitis...she likes the additional "gravy" ; and hasn't had an attack since.

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Catsey Junior
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26-03-2009, 09:18 PM   #18

Re: weeing problems.

Originally Posted by dandysmom
That's good news that she's livelier and eating so well. I think it's better they eat what they like even though it's not what the vet recommended...it may not be the perfect diet but at least they're keeping their weight up, which is bound to help allover health more than half-starving because they hate the prescription food. I agree the wet food may be easier on her teeth. A pity the vet's manager is so inflexible ......

Keep us posted how she's doing.
Originally Posted by Elaine
That is good news, I am sorry about your partner being made redundant, it must be very worrying financially. I am also sorry the practice manager wont allow any sort of lee way with payment.
With respect to her eating again, I am very pleased. I take it the renal food you were feeding was the dry food? With CRF wet food is always considered to be best due to water content and CRF cats not being able to retain enough fluid. The wet food would also be less painful for her to eat regarding her dental issue. You may also want to try adding a little boiled water to her wet food, let it cool before feeding, but by doing this you will enhance the smell of the food for her as well as topping up her fluid level a little.
Originally Posted by dandysmom
Oh, I agree completely about adding the warm water to the wet food; have been doing that for Leia since she had a bout of cystitis...she likes the additional "gravy" ; and hasn't had an attack since.
Hello everyone. Thank you for your comments. Goods news on a number of fronts.......

OH has had lots more work recently and has a full week next week too so we may be able to afford to get Meka's teeth done sooner rather than later.

Meka has been eating like a horse, really enjoying it. She is eating about 3 - 4 pouches of food a day and seems much happier all ready. She isn't wandering around so much, hasn't been sick for ages and seems far more content. Her coat seem less dull and greasy as well. Of course, she is weeing far more, but doesn't seem thirsty, as i suppose she is getting lots of fluid from the wet food. I will also try adding some water to her food too.

She is going back to the vets next friday for a weigh in so we shall see how she is then.

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26-03-2009, 09:46 PM   #19

Re: weeing problems.

Good news all around, your OH and the eating! Hope you'll have more come next Friday.

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26-03-2009, 10:11 PM   #20

Re: weeing problems.

Great news, I am very pleased for you all

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