OK, for Moli and others, Capt Jack is a fixed point in time and space therefore eternal and he cannot be killed... except, he becomes the Face of Bo ( dunno how) and Bo dies eventually, so he does die in the far flung future. Torchwood was set up by Queen Victoria in the 1880's to fight aliens and protect Earth. They are based in Cardiff Bay, at the site of a rift in the time/space continuum.. honest, I 've been there!
Anyway, in Torchwood, Capt Jack is still gorgeously eternal, and with Gwen and Ianto are the only surviving members of the original Torchwood team, Owen and japanese scientist lady (forget name
) both killed off end of series two.
This time around, the 465 (aliens) have reconnected with Britain, having landed here in 1965 and obviously hushed up by the UK Govt. Now they are back and want 10% of Earth's kids. Capt Jack was privvy to the landings of 1965 and 'involved ' in previous deal with them, therefore Govt wanted him killed off. One survivor from 1965 (old mad man) recognised Jack as being a govt agent at that time... bad looks from rest of team... did Jack send kids into alien hands back then ??
subplots: Gwen is pregnant. Ianto has 'come out' to his family& is desperate for Jack to reciprocate his love for him.
The Govt has put Frobisher, a civil servant, on the front line coz he's expendable. An insider in Frobisher's office is helping Torchwood from the inside, Lois, is using Torchwood technology (contact lenses) to be their eyes at the negotiations with the 465.
I'm a bit of a fan of John Barrowman
, and it's just as well he's gay coz I'd be bashing his door down, and he lives near to me!