Thanks everyone, will try and get pics up but please bear with us, not very good on computer!
We have been on the boats now for over 6 years, first a narrow boat and now we have a widebeam and 2 narrow boats. Smeg was actually a rescue, I went to buy a kitten to keep my boy bengal company and she was on death row in the garden. Her and her brother had eaten first a budgie, then a very expensive macaw! So left kitten and took her home. She has always been completely mad ,steals pen, keys, lighters, jewelreley. Hides in cupboards,drawers,under the bath, falls in the canal on a regular basis, brings fish,rabbits and mice in the boat and does not shut up!! But as she is now 11 she really should be calming down soon. Oh and when we travel we have to lock her in a large dog cage or she escapes and then we have to hunt for her! Never a dull mo