Thats so sweet!
Its rare that my boys *dont* sleep on the bed with us
They dont always start off on it, but most mornings when we wake the 3 of them are piled on us
Rhino went through a phase where no matter where he was in the house within minutes of us turning the bedroom light off he would be jumping on the bed and flopping down onto my feet, it was very sweet. He and Hernie always curl up at our feet to sleep, never by our heads. Hernie is extremely precious because he will stay asleep on the bed until we get up-he stirs if we do and looks at us but if we settle back down he does too
Im sure Hernie is convinced he is a human!
AJ on the other hand is a brute!
He nearly always wakes us during the night either wanting food or fuss and climbs all over our heads, licks our hair and eventually plonks down so that hes taking up all the room and puts his head on one of our pillows! we are such pushovers though because we leave him to it and put up with the neck ache the next morning
Raven was the one that slept on the bed the least, but he was another that would wake us for fuss-he would pat our faces and pull the blanket back with his paw
He would however, snuggle with me on the sofa if i ever went for an afternoon kip. I so miss my boy.
But yes, i agree kitties are completely wonderful, i couldnt be without my boys and it feels wrong when i wake up without them on the bed, even if it is slightly more comfortable!
I've found i actually sleep better now once i can feel the weight and warmth of Rhino or Hernie on my feet