Next series of unfortunate events
On my way out to see the dogs, driving along with my window down, it was quite windy today and i am not sure if it came from a passing car or not but all of a sudden there was a terrible smell of burning hair and heat on the back of my head
, obviously I began to panick and put one hand to the back of my head, desperately patting and trying to find the offending fag end that had come in through the open window, suddenly realising i had began to veer towards an oncoming car, slight swerve and all was well, apart from losing a bit of hair and the smell. Now before any one says anything, yes I am a smoker but i do
NOT smoke in my car. When I got out of the car the fag end was in the hood of my jacket
Had a lovely afternoon with the dogs and took Suzy to her vets appointment. Her hind legs are giving her cause for complaint, bless her. She was as good as gold until some one held the door open for us to leave then she dragged me out of the surgery
Took Suzy back home, gave both dogs a big cuddle and a pigs ear before leaving. Drove into my street and even managed to get a parking space. On getting out of the car again the wind struck and the door hit me on the head. OUCH!!!
February has not been a good month for me has it? Between skate boarding across the kitchen floor in the new cat carrier, smashing it, falling over the kitchen chair, smashing my head on floors, walls and car doors.
What is it about my head that unknown forces dont like?