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12-01-2009, 02:07 PM   #11

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Yola, I hope the flea problem gets cleared up soon! Really great adice to work from

Had a lovely weekend, dinner out with OH was wonderful, food was as delicious as I expected. BUT one really weird thing happened, which is still worrying me. When it came to pay (it was on me, for his birthday) I gave my card, entered pin as normal, and it was incorrect. The first time I entered it without concentrating, as its habit now. Second time it was wrong again. Uh oh. Luckily OH had his card and paid, and I transferred the money to him when we got home via internet banking. But I was really freaked out that I couldn't remember my PIN at ALL. I'd been in town earlier that day and used it about 5 times in different shops buying things. I've had the card for 3 years, and have never needed a pin reminder. I've been out with friends and been quite drunk, and still remembered it. I thought the red wine at dinner may have caused temporary bluriness of memory. But the next morning, I went to a cash machine and tried it once with a numbe that I stuck in my head but it turned out to be wrong So i've got a pin reminder winging its way to me in the post, should arrive tomorrow. But I am quite concerned and confused as to why I suddenly and completely have forgotten my pin? Like I said, I used it earlier that day several times without batting an eyelid, but even know when I concentrate on trying to remember, the only thing I DO remember is the number I thought it was but was wrong. Temporary amnesia?? OH just laughed it off and said he liked the drama, what a thing to happen on his birthday meal Anyone do psychology and could perhaps help in some explanation? I wonder if when I receive the PIN I'll realise my mistake in getting a digit or two wrong, or whether it's all new to me?

Anyway, the weather has greatly improved here. Blue skies, 8C (which feels tropical compared to what we've had in the past few weeks!) And i'm on track with my get-fit regime.

Hope everyone is having a great day. Moli, so sorry to hear you're in so much pain. Hopefully the doc will arrive soon and you'll feel better very very soon.

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12-01-2009, 02:34 PM   #12

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Natalie- enjoy your puppy party with Bess, they're great for socialising the dogs. We thoroughly enjoyed them with Morgan, it was interesting watching the shy puppies (not Morgans problem!) come out of their shells over the 6 weeks. Ours was the only one who peed on the floor though, the others were much better behaved!

It's a day for catching up with the ironing, going to get all steamy later on!

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12-01-2009, 05:37 PM   #13

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Fleas are horrible, Yola; good luck getting rid of the nasty things. Moli, so sorry to hear you're poorly; hope the doctor will help. Meep, our Random is good at psychology; maybe she'll have an explanation why you've blocked the pin #. That is strange. Your credit cards don't have the pin # on the back the way ours do here? Well, my Visa and American Express do anyhow.

Sunny but a bit windy and -3; worse to come by the end of the week...dread the upcoming heating bill! To Safeway for odds and ends, horrendous wait for the bus. No news, no sign of mouse!

At least the sun's setting after 5 pm now!

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12-01-2009, 06:03 PM   #14

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Doc came earlier has given me painkillers, he says it sciatica, and I have a touch of athritis in my hip....The Tabs are brilliant, been to Asda with my sister...

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12-01-2009, 07:50 PM   #15

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Sorry to hear about flea and sciatica troubles with you folks. My chesty cough pales by comparison, I can still manage to work and things but my colleagues have been great at taking an on-call off me for tonight, it's worse later in the day.

Bron will be going down to the parlour for a wash and brush out tomorrow, she's in desperate need. Couldn't fit her in before Xmas so she's really dense and wooly now. Wonder we have't had flea probs here

Hope things have got better as the day's gone on folks. It's been a really dark one, as you say!

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12-01-2009, 09:34 PM   #16

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Hi all - Glad doc has managed to give you some tablets that are doing the trick moli.
Yola, sympathies, I had a similar problem quite a number of years ago. Determined and copious spraying and use of spot on or similar done the trick but it took a while.

Wet here today but that wind has died down a bit.

OH gone to visit his Aunt. She has got home in plaster but is fading away before our eyes. Don't think she can get any thinner. I don't know how much longer she'll be with us.

Kinsi is booked into vet on Friday to get dressed. I am worrying already!!

Enjoy the rest of the evening. I'm going for a soak in the bath as I have the house to myself. Think I'll go with a coffee and book.

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12-01-2009, 11:49 PM   #17

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Hi, all.
Starting my day very late here. I have been sleeping so much and even though I don't get to bed till 4am this is getting ridiculous. Have appt in two weeks at the doctor to discuss my medications. Hopefully they'll be able to adjust something!
Anyway, OH called in to work today and is at home catching up on sleep. It's the first time calling in sick since he's worked there so I think he rightly deserves it.
Also trying to work up the energy to clean this darn house. I did laundry all weekend and cleaned some things but the living room is always last on the list and looks a disaster!
Still dark, rainy, and mucky here. Drove through some fog last night that made me nervous after our grocery shopping. It looks like nighttime here almost all the time! (maybe why I'm sleeping so much??) LOL..
Anyway, hope you all have/had a good day. I am always the last person to post on this thread I think..LOL

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13-01-2009, 12:40 AM   #18

Re: Daily thread - French navy blue

Or, between the time difference and your sleeping habits, you could be the first poster of the day!

Sorry your weather is so wretched, hope it will start to clear up soon !

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