
my mum nearly cried when she saw it and that was after me trying on 4 other dresses before hand. Strange thing was that I saw this dress at a wedding fair and I didn't really like any of the others there and it was the one I ended up buying.
It is quite unusual as the colour is pale gold. All of the other dresses made me look quite washed out. Mind you the owner of the wedding shop was brutally honest and said "nope that doesn't look right" to all of the other dresses LOL Some of them she said made me look like a little girl and she said you don't want girly you want elegant. I think she was very right. She also said the dress I chose would have been the one that she chose for me, and she had been running she shop for 15 years. She did say that she would rather not sell a dress if she didn't think it looked right on the person.