DM - my hubby had an Austin A35 . . . he actually lived in it for a while whilst at art school in the late 60s

He had one of the pale blue ones and funnily enough we saw one today and he remarked on it!!!
I had a rust-coloured Renault 5 . . . 'P' reg (1976). Got it for my 18th birthday and it was the biggest pile of rust n rubbish you could hope for, I had similar performances of pumping the gas pedal, thumping the starter motor with a metal bar, driving for ages on full choke the the blighter warmed up etc etc!
Still - it served me for 3 years whilst at art school in the West Midlands and ferried me and my friends regularly into Birmingham to the Powerhouse on Wednesday and Saturday nights (ahhh - those were the days)!!!