Originally Posted by Fran
To be honest with the cats it depends on the individual shows. At the Bedford, Mildred's side classes where quite big. One of the shows we entered with Bliss, the side classes had 12 entries in, other shows there have only been four or five, it's the luck of the draw really but it's a nice feeling when your cat does well in a large class Withholding of first place, CC's and BOB's is quite common in the cat fancy so even if you are the only cat in the class you have no guarantees of a win
Mildred is still in kitten classes which are always popular. I think this will be Mildred's last show now as a kitten and she'll not go out again now until she is an adult. Obviously I want to get Bliss out to get her final CC..
The side classes would be like variety classes in dogs then? You get HUGE entries in those in dogs, I remember one A V puppy Terrier and Hound having over 70 entries in it!! that was at Birmingham champ show a couple years back. Thing is with these classes is they mean nothing as far as gaining the dogs (or cat I ssume) title, but yes I agree its nice to get placed in a big entry like that.
Do they have "finals" like in dogs at the end of the year? Like "pup of the year" or "junior stakes winner" etc?