Well after seeing Liz in the vet earlier in the week and saying he was doing really well, I had to take him back in today. He was as bright as a button yesterday, ate about 3 pouches of food and interested in all I was doing.
This morning he barely lifted his head, had peed and pooped outside the litter tray and had been sick. No messing around with Bovril in his condition so I took him in with me this morning, on the way down he peed outside the door of his basket onto Mike's sleeve and the van gearstick (

It's cystitis again, but the good news is he has put on 100 gms and the vet thinks he is much brighter.
He got antibiotics and is back again on Monday, at least it looks like he isn't having a reaction to felimazole and has, at least, stopped losing weight.