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19-10-2007, 09:01 AM   #11

Re: Dehydration causes???

Hi all,

Thanks for your replies and support.

We went to the vets last night and they took her straight in again to put her on a drip and run some more tests.

I had a long chat with the vet about the possible causes and he said that sometimes it's difficult to give answers. They treat the symptoms and if the cat gets better then problem solved. However, because this is the same problem that happened 6 weeks ago they are going to do more complete blood tests (they only checked kidneys, liver and proteins last time).

The trouble is that when Abi gets poorly she seems to give up (typical Siamese I suppose!?). She has no fight in her, she stops eating properly and goes downhill so quickly The last time that they gave her IV fluids she did perk up, but there must be an underlying problem for it to be happening again without her being sick as such.

Having said that she has no fight in her.......she did bite me at the vets last night when they took her temperature. TBH I think the vet was a bit rough with it as well there was blood on the thermometor afterwards and I haven't seen that before

I should hear about 10am this morning as to how she's doing. Please keep your fingers crossed and send lots of love her way. Thank you.

(P.S. - yes, she has been neutered)
(P.P.S - she does eat more dried than wet food, but she eats some wet and does drink a lot of water. I know that dried food isn't the best for dehydration - but at the moment for her to eat anything would be better than nothing )

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19-10-2007, 09:05 AM   #12

Re: Dehydration causes???

Don't give up on her CB. I thought I was going to lose Min when she was first very ill and needed i/v fluid but she picked up remarkably.
It's no fun seeing them ill and not knowing what's going on. Hope you get some answers shortly and, in the meantime, she is in the right place. x

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19-10-2007, 10:10 AM   #13

Re: Dehydration causes???

{{{{Hugs Charlie}}}} I really hope you get some answers so you know why this is happening. Healing vibes and everything crossed for a quick recovery for her too x

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19-10-2007, 10:55 AM   #14

Re: Dehydration causes???

I'm not giving up on her DM!!! No way!!!! The house last night was so quiet without her and Red really seemed to miss her

I have called the vets. My vet is out at the moment but I spoke to someone else. They said that Abi wouldn't eat last night but she has eaten a bit this morning. She's been on the drip all night and is looking a bit brighter.

They ran some bloods but haven't really had any answers from them, so they have taken some more blood this morning to send away.....................


they have just called me back. My vet has said that the bloods they ran this morning don't reveal much. She has a slightly high level of glucose, but that could be down to stress. They are going to try and take a urine sample to see if that has glucose in it to try and rule out diabetes.

They have tested for FIV and FeLV - both negative - which I'm quite annoyed about to be honest. Abi was tested at the time that William "broke in" and it was negative and she has no other contact with any other cats as the garden is cat proofed. The vets know this and I feel that I've just spent another £30/£40 lining their pockets unnecessarily.

Anyway, they have taken some blood to send away for haemotology testing (red/white cell count) as well.

The vet said that it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack - it could be anything

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19-10-2007, 02:48 PM   #15

Re: Dehydration causes???

I hope the vet can come up with an answer to Abi's problem, Charlie ...... lots of healing vibes being sent to her and ((((hugs)))) to you....

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19-10-2007, 03:13 PM   #16

Re: Dehydration causes???

I just had a thought, could it be a stress / behavioural cause? You mentioned the first time it happened you were moving or had just moved. Some cats are really sensitive to change even a small one and that could contribute to her not drinking enough because she's sad or out of sorts due to her routine changing. It probably wouldn't matter if she was on wet food all the time as it might have carried her through but with dry, I'm wondering if not drinking enough and not eating any wet food creates this problem that then gets out of control.

Has anything changed in her life recently? Even something small?

Just a thought anyway, I hope she does fine again after her fluids and you do find the cause of this.

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19-10-2007, 03:29 PM   #17

Re: Dehydration causes???

Hope you get to the bottom of this soon. {{{Hugs}}} to you both.

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19-10-2007, 04:07 PM   #18

Re: Dehydration causes???

Sending healing vibes to Abi, and a hug to you; this is so distressing for you! I hope the new tests can get to the root of the problem. xxxxx

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19-10-2007, 05:27 PM   #19

Re: Dehydration causes???

Originally Posted by Grete
I just had a thought, could it be a stress / behavioural cause? You mentioned the first time it happened you were moving or had just moved. Some cats are really sensitive to change even a small one and that could contribute to her not drinking enough because she's sad or out of sorts due to her routine changing. It probably wouldn't matter if she was on wet food all the time as it might have carried her through but with dry, I'm wondering if not drinking enough and not eating any wet food creates this problem that then gets out of control.

Has anything changed in her life recently? Even something small?

Just a thought anyway, I hope she does fine again after her fluids and you do find the cause of this.
Thanks Grete - but I don't think that has anything to do with it. The first time it happened was the end of August and we moved house on the 6th July Plus, Abi is quite laid back in that sense and is happy with all people and in all surroundings - I don't think the move bothered her at all

I'm off to the vets in a bit to see her and dependent on whether or not she has done a wee - bring her home

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19-10-2007, 07:14 PM   #20

Re: Dehydration causes???

{{{Hugs Charlie}}} Hope you alloowed to bring her home.

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