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20-12-2007, 01:11 PM   #11

Re: How many cats do you have?.. Shall I get another?

I have 9 cats and 11 kittens at the minute My motto - there's always room for one more but take into account the cost of keeping another before you make the decision. Good luck

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20-12-2007, 06:40 PM   #12

Re: How many cats do you have?.. Shall I get another?

Originally Posted by random
I personally have 5 cats but while i'm staying at my fathers' place it's more like 6 as I do everything for their cat too while i'm at it. I don't think they are much more work once you get past 2, all mine get on really well and with the dogs too. But the vet bills and food bills are x 5 so you have to remember that too. You can't just pop out and get one a treat for a couple of quid, you have to get them all one and end up spending a fortune! We don't have insurance, I knwo some people will nto agree with that, but I put some money in a seperate account each week for the animals in a type of savings account and that has always worked for us.
I really like your idea Random, of putting away money in a separate account for the cats, rather than paying monthly or whatever for insurance. This seems like a perfect way of getting any interest yourself and for the cats if needed, rather than paying some insurance company regularly and maybe for years (if you're lucky) and don't need to claim. I applaud you!

I am so tempted to get another cat - I don't believe that my dear old Merlin can go on for very much longer (21 years), he's up and down - one day very well and the next rushing off to the vet. I have put it off because I don't want to put his nose out of joint, but it may do him good - what do you think?

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20-12-2007, 08:54 PM   #13

Re: How many cats do you have?.. Shall I get another?

Angie, you know Merlin; my gut feeling would be not to upset the old boy in his golden years. Kittens can be so lively....but then again it might rejuvenate him to have a companion...who knows????

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20-12-2007, 09:46 PM   #14

Re: How many cats do you have?.. Shall I get another?

OOOOH some of you have LOTS of cats, woah I would adore to live like that. Husband says I will become "the cat lady of Milton Keynes" lol!!

Smudgeley I'm trying to work out where is Stourbridge, think it's up in the Midlands somewhere.. might get back to you in the New Year if my local rescue centres don't have anyone appropriate.

I LOVE the idea of cats finding me. My Grandma was a huge cat lover and had about 20 of them, although she adored siamese and bred them for showing, whereas I prefer the good old moggy lol!!

Hubby really wants a Maine Coon but I have looked into the breed and they can be enormously expensive.

Thanks for all your replies, especially interesting to hear about those with larger numbers of cats. I think I will almost definitely get another but when exactly, I don't know. I guess I'll wait until the New Year now and have a look into it more then.


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21-12-2007, 12:12 PM   #15

Re: How many cats do you have?.. Shall I get another?

I have 2 cats. Tito who is an indoor cat and TC who comes in and out as he pleases. They get on reasonably well. There is no hissing or growling but sometimes when they play one of them yells and you just know one of them has hurt the other. I am always scared that a full scale fight will erupt, so never leave them alone together. I have often thought of getting another indoor kittten for Tito to play with but to be honest Tito follows us everywhere and sits with us and sleeps with us and I would be scared that another kitty would upset the applecart so to speak.

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21-12-2007, 03:04 PM   #16

Re: How many cats do you have?.. Shall I get another?

I have 11 indoor cats. All Persians. I have never had any problem introducing kittens but have had bad experiences with introducing adult cats. I would never get another adult and would suggest that you get a kitten. They adapt so much easier and your other two will not feel threatened as they would with an adult.

Good luck.

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