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Catsey Junior
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09-01-2008, 05:54 PM   #11

Re: do deworm your cats please...

Bless you honey you did good by him & he will remember that

You wernt to know.. I didnt even think worms could get that bad ?

Im sat here at work with a little tear in my eye for you..

Now I am to explain this thread to my colleagues !

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Catsey Junior
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09-01-2008, 08:08 PM   #12

Re: do deworm your cats please...

I never knew worms are deadly either. I had to find out the hard way
We live in a village and every farm has cats and they are never wormed but are just fine...So I always thought that these wormer pills are just to protect people and are not really dangerous...
He never showed any signs until the last day when he started to vomit worms. He didn't have a pot belly, his hair wasn't splitting, he wasn't too thin (he had 4 kilos, that is the weight of Piki one of our adult cats)...
I am also disappointed because I always had trust in vets, now I am not so sure about them...I mean the vet said to just give him a lot of water and wormer pill again and if that doesn't work than come to the clinic the next day. Well, there was no other day because he died within hours!

He did teach me a lot though about friendliness and trust and it is because of him that I am now 100 % sure I wanna be a vet and I hope that some day I will get a chance to work with shelter animals. And maybe that some day I will find a cat like him and be able to help him because I now know that if he would go to IV, that maybe he could be saved...

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09-01-2008, 09:07 PM   #13

Re: do deworm your cats please...

You would make a wonderful caring vet I'm sure, and wish you all the best in going into veterinary medicine!

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smudgley's Avatar
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10-01-2008, 10:17 AM   #14

Re: do deworm your cats please...

Sorry to hear about your sad experience, but don't beat yourself up about it & don't blame the vets.
You have no idea why he died, I would imagine the worming pill may have been a coinsidence. Many cats are infested with worms as bad as that & they don't die from it.
I lost a 5 month old female last year very suddenly (after routine worming / flea tretment & microchipping her & a recent spay operation) but none of these were a factor in her death. I had a post mortem done & she died of heart failure.
You gave him love & enjoyment in his last few days of his life.

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10-01-2008, 11:38 PM   #15

Re: do deworm your cats please...

It's very sad Miki - but if your ambition to be a vet and to help animals has come as a result of your love for that little cat, then IMO that cat has done it's work very well. Good for you - I really do hope that you go ahead with your wish.

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