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04-01-2008, 09:35 PM   #11

Re: When you grow up?

I always wanted to be a vet, but on leaving college the thought of 7 years in uni and running up huge student debts terrified me - so I went for the next best thing and started my training to become a vet nurse

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05-01-2008, 12:13 PM   #12

Re: When you grow up?

This is a difficult question for me but I don't mind sharing why.

I had the usual dreams as a kid of being a vet, a nurse, an actor etc But when I was about 14/15 my moods and emotions started going haywire above and beyond what would normally be expected of a hormonal teenager. I started struggling with decisions and had very low energy and was very depressed a lot of the time. No one could tell me why tho and from then to about 2 years ago I had bouts of very serious depression. I tried various careers over the years - I trained as a secretary when I left school but had to leave the job I had because I was so erratic. I made it through 18 months of Nurse training before another bout of depression put paid to that. Other jobs I've had have ended the same way after about a year.

All through this they still couldn't tell me why - and since they didn't know why, they couldn't treat me effectively. I'd had some very bad stuff happen to me but I'd felt most of it had been dealt with so why was I still not functioning 'properly'.

The answer came about when I got a new doctor who has been fantastic and she got me back to the psychiatrist (I'd given up on them but she got me to see someone new) and with further referrals from them I was diagnosed with PCoS and a condition called Dysthymia - both of which have been active since I was a teenager and both untreated for hmm 17 years ish. Along with Dysthymia also comes mild OCD which explained much and since I've been on treatment for both I have come on leaps and bounds.

The downside is I have no idea what I can or am able to do, stress causes Dysthymia to flare up and I can't always control my emotions in public so I don't like going out very much.

The upside is I'm still here in spite of a high instance of people who can't take the constant low level depression that it brings.

So anyone got anything an articulate, kind, gentle, well-read person can do?

I actually want to be a proof-reader / voice over artist but I think they are just pipe dreams heehee.


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05-01-2008, 12:20 PM   #13

Re: When you grow up?

aww Grete, ((hugs)) for being strong enough to come on here and share what I'm sure must be very difficult for you. And we all need dreams, why not see if you can do an online course in proofreading?

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05-01-2008, 05:10 PM   #14

Re: When you grow up?

Oh Grete...(((hugs)))! How brave of you to share that with us! Proofreading sounds sort of ideal, and God knows they are needed! I wince at some of the absurd errors in books...the one I just finished referred to a cubicle as a cubical, and tract homes as track homes..

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05-01-2008, 05:19 PM   #15

Re: When you grow up?

Grete, firstly thanks for sharing with us. Secondly why is proof reading a pipe dream?? You can do this on line for essays etc. Also will your emotions be brought under control by medication or self help in any way? (what I'm trying to say is is it long term or in a while you may feel a lot better even if not totally cured? If so you could plan for that by taking jobs which mean you can work from home. (arts & crafts maybe). Do a course on line with the Open University in counselling and become a telephone counsellor for the samaratians or maybe even an ironing service etc something that will build up your confidence and courage to maybe extend to a few hours in the public. (could this be worked through with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
Wishing you all the best Grete X

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05-01-2008, 05:21 PM   #16

Re: When you grow up?

Grete - you're a brave, strong woman. Thanks for sharing with us. I think you should try to take the proofreading further as I totally agree with Dandysmom that they are really needed!

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05-01-2008, 05:31 PM   #17

Re: When you grow up?

[quote=angieh;450289]Grete - you're a brave, strong woman. Thanks for sharing with us. I think you should try to take the proofreading further as I totally agree with Dandysmom that they are really needed![/quote]

One of the men where I worked wrote a book, and I did proofreading for him, just as an amateur of course...I had a good strict Catholic education and could spell and knew my grammar. The man had no idea of the difference between hoard and horde,
didn't know how to use semicolons and apparently had never heard of the subjunctive...

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06-01-2008, 12:40 AM   #18

Re: When you grow up?

Usual one a vet. I was a stay at home mum until i became ill about 5years ago. So i had know chance of following my dreams. My oldest daughter who's nearly 11 wants to be a vet too. My youngest couldnt be one though she cries her little eyes out when i watch any animal program where there's one not very well. Now i would love too do something with Cats I love cat sitting and i also like dogs
so in way its come full circle

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06-01-2008, 09:11 AM   #19

Re: When you grow up?

Thanks so much for your comments, they really meant a lot to me

Proof-reading / copy editing is definately something I want to get into and I decided looking into it / doing a course and trying to work from home would be this years 'thing'. I try and do something challenging for me every year otherwise I stagnate and never go out

My local college has had some great courses in the past and I have Singing (basic and advanced), Dressmaking (basic and advanced), Guitar (basic and the realisation I had no talent lol) under my belt. They are great with understanding my disability and don't bat an eyelid if I suddenly just vanish in the middle of a lesson.

The interest I have in proof-reading is an odd one. OCD rarely has a beneficial side but for me, when I'm reading (which I do a LOT), any errors in spelling or grammar leap out at me and stop me dead. So that's like a talent no?

While there isn't a cure for Dysthymia, it is controlled pretty well with medication and that, coupled with being aware of my limits and triggers keeps me pretty stable. Sometimes tho, you just can't be in control of a situation and that's where being in public can be too much. I am MUCH better than I used to be tho

My psychiatrist has been encouraging me to do some self-esteem and confidence courses for a while and I finally accepted so this year is hopefully one in which I move forwards again!

Sorry, I ramble a lot and wasn't trying to hi-jack this thread into an 'about me' one. So, apologies for that


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06-01-2008, 11:15 AM   #20

Re: When you grow up?

It certiantly sounds like you have decided this is your year and so it will be X Look into proof reading as much as you can and set a goal for whn you would like to be started by that way you will move towards it X Good luck

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