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28-02-2008, 11:21 AM   #11

Re: Your scariest moment

Childhood ones:
1. Being cornered by a dog (Lassie-type dog) in the park when walking home from school. I'd have been about 10. It snarled and growled and paced in front of me. I was hysterical with fear but it wouldn't let me pass. In the end I just stopped howling, crouched down and curled up into a ball. Dog got fed up and trotted off. I never short-cut through the park again

2. My neighbour adopted a baby crow that had fallen out of its nest. She was a couple years older than me and loved animals - had lots. Jimbo was tame as anything and would sit on her shoulder. When they went out, he used to come and sit in our garden for company. Sunny Sunday afternoon, Dad having a nap, Mum watching telly and me (again, about 9 or 10) messing around in the garden. Crow lands on lawn. I ignore it but move away - as obviously with my fear of birds I didn't want to be too close to it. It hopped after me. I moved away some more; it hopped closer. So I legged it! Crow launches itself into the air, obviously thinking I was playing with it and flies after me. All I can hear are wings swishing around my head. I hurtle into the house but the crow doesn't follow because thankfully my parents had those 70s plastic strips on the back door to keep the flies out.

Adult moment:
On a flight to Italy, without warning as we were flying over the Alps, and the plane plummeted. It hit, what I think is called white space (?) which is essentially a pocket of vacuum. So there was nothing to support the plane. Several of the stewardesses were injured by flying glass/crockery, and many people were scalded by spilt coffee. OH smacked his head on the underside of the overhead locker as he wasn't wearing his belt. I think it lost a couple 1000 feet in the drop (not sure as I don't have much of a clue about aeroplane heights) . . . but I really thought we were falling out of the sky for good.

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CathyW's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
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Location: in the land of make believe LOL
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28-02-2008, 12:24 PM   #12

Re: Your scariest moment

being told by the doctor if i hadnt come into A n E when i had, i would of died.massive heart attack.
being un-able to do anything while my husband was having a brain hemorrhage.
and years ago, telling my ex-husband that i didnt love, hadnt done for years, and wanted a divorce. (he was violent)

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