Cats are the best at making us feel guitly for not thinking of their needs and desires 24 / 7
I've done the same myself, and have some back-up 'Tesco's own' cat food which I bought them and they don't like. If I run out of their Felix I give them that, they sniff it, lick their nose and crinkle their eyes in disgust, wander off, then every time I open the fridge come running through like two kids on Christmas morning hoping for something better.
Every morning, when my alarm goes off, Minksy jumps on the bed and head butts me, then as I get up and wander through, he runs ahead in front of me, but whilst constantly looking up and behind at me, so he zig-zags and wavers the whole way to his food bowl. He's so excitd about getting fed he looks at me with his big 'starving' eyes, but can't see where he's going
Crazy cats.