Re: Daily Thread - Wednesday:
Morning all!
I'm actually up before noon-hurrah!
It has been cold but sunny here lately..sun is lasting till about five pm these days which always helps cheer me up a little.
Practiced driving down to the mailbox yesterday, I'm having a hard time finding rides to appointments and my doctors are getting a little frustrated with me canceling constantly so I'm trying to get up the gusto to start driving myself again. It was just down the street but I was a bit shaky like a kid on a bike with training wheels, LOL. I made it but I'm hoping I will be able to go to the pharmacy tomorrow to pick up prescriptions and able to make a long trek on the 28th so I still need to practice. I really hate having anxiety issues..ugh. I can be an agarophobic at times, LOL. Did find out I need brake fluid and I need new tires though so I have a bit of a reason to be in addition.
My OH helped me last Sunday to clean the house so I feel a bit less overwhelmed with chores but still need to push myself to keep this place maintained. The sun gives me energy and I do need more of it, that's for sure.
Meep, I love the GO Cat, I used to use that when my budget allowed and would use it again in a heartbeat..great stuff.
All the furkids are full of crazies lately..we were thinking it's because the coyotes have been going crazy howling outside lately. If there was a full moon, I'd chalk it up to that.
Anyway, just a day of regular chores for me. Hoping I use my time wisely today and step out of the box a little but can't guarantee..LOL. I haven't sewn in what feels like forever..I need to do something like that for myself, I think.
Have a great day all!
Lots of love,