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26-07-2009, 02:28 PM   #11

Re: What a week at the vet.

Pepper has taken a turn for the worse and I had to call the vet out again. It seems she actually has mastitis, and has now gone into shock. The vet is a bit confused because she has no temp and hasn't reacted to the antibiotics given last night. She has been quickly dripped into the vein, had more antibiotics and painkiller and her udder has been emptied. The vet said I should try and do this every couple of hours, so it looks like I am in for a long day. He is away to a call but going to stop in by on the way home to see how she is.
I now have to go an clean as many hutches and runs as I can manage for the rest of the day, whereas I really just want to hide under the duvet and pretend non of this is happening.

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26-07-2009, 02:36 PM   #12

Re: What a week at the vet.

So sorry to hear this, Farthing, it must be so worrying for you... You really could do with an extra pair of hands to help out.

Healing vibes being sent for Pepper...

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26-07-2009, 03:51 PM   #13

Re: What a week at the vet.

Oh dear, another problem; so sorry to hear about Pepper. Healing vibes coming ........

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28-07-2009, 11:44 AM   #14

Re: What a week at the vet.

After a stressful weekend, I feel a bit more positive today.
Pepper, the goat who has mastitis, is looking much stronger and running away from me today, much more like herself. I am having to milk her as oftern as possible, give her fliuds with a probiotic and inject her with antibiotics. Her milk is still bloody and she is still very sore, but she seemed a bit more interested in eating, don't know if she took anything, I had to leave her because if I'm there she thinks something horrible will happen to her.
Charlie quail seems to be able to eat, after breaking off a third of his beak on saturday. I have moistened his food so it is a bit more sticky, although he prefers to be hand fed.
Fliss, the rat, is doing really well on her inhaler, I just need to get some weight on her.
Jessthe rabbit with an abscess, is still a worry but I'm hoping the test results come through soon.
Misty, our 20 year old cat who is in renal failure, is shown to be in the early stages of it, so hopefully we can slpw down the process and she can have a bit more time to enjoy life in front of her radiator.
And Elsie, the sheep with flystrike, is all healed and nearly batters her door down while waiting for breakfast. We have kept her in for a bit longer, because we are trying her on danilon for her arthritis.

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15-08-2009, 11:20 AM   #15

Re: What a week at the vet.

Well Mike is finally home, for a while (I hope), we only had one more drama while he was away and it was a rather embarrassing problem for Quaffle the drake. He had a willie prolapse, so on Tuesday he had to have it amputated.
Honestly, I don't know how I do it, why on earth do my animals get all the odd problems.

We have one of our old foster cats back for a visit while his owner is on holiday, and it is nice to see him looking so well.

We are also in the process of sectioning off part of the living room, for the african grey parrot, who is now coming again. His owner did try to keep him, but her breathing was just too bad. He sounds like he is going to be quite a character.
We will also he starting to knock down the cupboard in the front hall, so it can become a utility room and the rats can live in it, it will be a bit more interesting for them as there is more going on. This will also free up the spare room for any new comers who need time to adapt- first one possibly being a 15 year old cat who is starting with renal failure and suffers from constipation.

So that's my week, and next month planned.

What have you all been up to.

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15-08-2009, 12:41 PM   #16

Re: What a week at the vet.

Wow Farthing I have just been reading your thread and you do sound like you have well and truly got your handsful there, do you ever just get time to sit down and relax .
I do hope that all your animals are trouble free at the moment so you can at least relax a little bit.
You must love what you do

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15-08-2009, 04:45 PM   #17

Re: What a week at the vet.

Poor Quaffle
I do hope things will be calmer now

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15-08-2009, 08:34 PM   #18

Re: What a week at the vet.

yes, I hope things settle down a bit, but the nature of our lifestyle means these things happen.

I just thought I'd show some piccies of our handy work last weekend ahd our soon to be addition.

From this,

to this,

for George,

Lucky Mike is good at DIY.

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