My distraction came when SIL dropped off youngest nieces Molly (
and Lizzie (13 months) as my brother is caught in traffic and Lewis has a swimming gala, and an adult needs to accompany him so SIL needed to go...Taylor (12) is still at school dance club and my other niece Sophie (16)..who is holding the helping teach the dance class will take her home with her.. ... as I don't have the car seats to take Molly out in the car...just the baby seat for Lizzie.
So........combine primary school child, with a trainee staggerer(Lizzie who can now move without the aid of furniture) both with a shadow that is a loving protector (ie SBT) and a man trying to service the boiler and you have your hands full. Hence its pouring down so can't put the dog outside.
Dog is no problem at all ......but the children are in her mind to be protected from all none family.....hence why....I put dog in kitchen shut door under orders
DO NOT LET DOG OUT......Molly went into the kitchen for something...leaves the door open, Sal potters out following Molly....Molly goes the loo Sal follows always
I am holding Lizzie sitting on bed (can't see the landing or the small procession child and dog) and talking to the boiler man who is in the airing cupboard ....Molly goes to the loo ..... Sal lies in front of door.
And boiler man needs to get to spare to the loo.. Molly comes out of Loo says "Hello."
Man reaches hand out to ruffle Molly's hair...retracts hand as Sal....stands up positions herself between Molly and Boiler man just as I come out of bedroom on hearing the loo being flushed, and the conversation between Molly & BM.....I say one word "Oi" to Sal who lies back down. I send Molly and Sal downstairs.
Sal is now back in kitchen, boiler man gone...Lizzie fast asleep and Molly colouring in kitchen. I am also in kitchen on laptop.......waiting for my brother to pick them up...take that back since starting to type this out ...and pressing the post button....he has been and collected them. So me and the dog again.