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Tink's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: torbie/white & 2 siamese xs
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Washington, U.S.
Posts: 4,326
03-06-2010, 01:32 AM   #11

Re: Wednesday Daily

Had a raging migraine again last night..took several sleeping and allergy pills and still had quite a night tossing and turning in pain...I've just woken up a bit ago and having my coffee..I feel okay now..I wonder if my allergies are irritating my sinuses..it's the right season and my migraines and sinus pain are often linked. I'm in between insurance right now so this just needs to stop happening. Will buy some wine at next store trip, that tends to help more than any pills
K is plotting away more projects today. It's good to see some passion in him again, for awhile there even the things he loved held no interest so feel like we're getting him back in a sense.
Payday tomorrow..all for non exciting necessities though..but K did indulge me and buy me another vittles vault that I'd been agonizing over. I have the 25lb. now for the cats and ferrets kibble to stay fresh but it is cheaper if I bulk up 60 lbs. food at a time and so he has ordered me the 35lb. vault so now I don't have to resort to freezer bags and such to keep this expensive food fresh. Those cats and ferrets eat better quality than I do
Hope you all are having a good one

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dandysmom's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: Leia: blue torbie
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Posts: 31,378
03-06-2010, 02:32 AM   #12

Re: Wednesday Daily

Awww, sorry to hear that you're feeling poorly with the migraines and sinus; wish you could come and share a bottle of vino with me. Good to hear K's emotionally a little better; poor guy has been thru hell. As have you both...

Nice about the vault. Bulk is always cheaper.

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