I can't believe how many replies!!! So sorry, been a bit of a manic day, only just logged on.
Well, we did go to the Animal sanctuary and RSPCA, Harvey was still at the sanctuary and Rachel had almost decided to have him, but we went to the RSPCA as well, just to be sure, and the cat we liked had been re-homed - ironic as she had been there since April, but we feel fate made the choice for us!!!
Welcome Harvey!! He is gorgeous, very friendly, having a good nose around as I type! He eats like a horse!! He is very good witht he dogs and rubbed himself against Rudy, who is our huge greyhound, he hasn't hissed at our other cats, although been hissed at by Rosie. While we are at home we are just letting him wander around getting used to everything, but will separate him from the dogs when we go out for a while, just to be sure. I really can't think we will have any problems though. I will post some pics as soon as I can.
Rachel loves him and just the distraction she needs.