Originally Posted by MrsH
It looks as though it's going to be front page in tomorrow's local paper under the headline Untrained Dog Handler Lied About Celeb Endorsements At least a lot of local people will now be aware of him. A shame that the headline focuses on the celebrities whose names he used rather than on his abuse of the dogs, but that's the nature of journalism I suppose
I don't think very many people actually buy the local paper any more but with them running the story it should mean that it'll also be carried by the local freebie which gets delivered to every house! The man is toast!
Maybe you should quickly get in touch and explain how you ran into him? From my experience, local papers like any additional 'local' verification of a story they can get. Also, is you paper online? On of our Reading ones has a very high readership via its website and if they DO have a website the readership may be wider than you imagine.