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pamela81's Avatar
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01-01-2014, 09:26 PM   #11

Re: Happy New Years day

It is good progress. He seems to be really relaxed at my folks house but he has a bed, toys and treats there an they spoil him!! Its like any rescue really, have to take it a day at a time and also the good with the bad

Hows Bella, hope she was ok last night x

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01-01-2014, 09:54 PM   #12

Re: Happy New Years day

Bella is good she is like an onion you get different layers I am now discovering she really does not like wide open spaces - and is actually scared/concerned when put it that sort of situation. She will carry on but stops and pulls back and given a chance will turn round and go home or back to the car. No idea why or what happened if indeed anything to her before. It is a shame she loves going out the door then seems to panic.
But I figure we are still early days 6 months in but she is so "lovable" you want to give her the confidence. Maybe she will maybe she won't. But now in the house she is happy in the garden she is happy. Which are big steps forward she does not try to make herself small and unnoticeable and we get little barks of "I'm here" which is lovely.

We have no way really of knowing how she got her scars but they are there and she got them somehow. And given the position and quantity of them I doubt it was under good circumstances yet she adores ALL people, and is so gentle and kind with everyone.

But underneath she is scared what of I will never know. Its like a heavy secret she carries but we are seeing little glimpses the true Bella who is totally gorgeous.

The thing is this is my first rescue dog and its a humbling experience to get a dog who starts to trust you. Previously always really had pups or slightly older and they have just been "attached" no issue. But we are forging a bond I hope that will unbreakable.

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