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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,237
17-11-2019, 05:14 AM   #11

Re: Saturday daily

Good afternoon /evening everyone. it's Sunday afternoon here, and a pleasant 21 degrees.Willow 's urine sample showed no evidence of kidney failure but rather a kidney infection (another one), but at least that can be treated. She's back on another 3 week course of antibiotics. Poor Willow - it seems she's having more pills than food now.If it had been renal failure, I'd made up my mind not to change her diet as the vet said, but instead just give her her normal food that she loves. At 11 years old, I would have just tried to keep her happy.She took another seizure late last night again. The vet thinks it might be low blood pressure. She came out of it quickly as usual, so I'm just taking one day at a time with her. She still eats well, although all her meds play havoc with her tummy, she plays with her toys, sleeps a lot and then gets up and lies by the security door, barking when she sees anyone.
PAMELA, you've probably been to the lantern festival by now. Hope you had a lovely evening.Fancy having most of your xmas shopping done already, you lucky thing. Hope your legs feel a bit better now.
SHELLEY, hope you are OK.Thank you for thinking of Willow. I do hope that you've had all your tests now, and can relax a bit.You hang in there.I'm thinking of you.
KAZZ,, I can practically smell that lovely roast pork . I do hope you enjoyed it.Gosh, you are a real workaholic and you put me to shame.AND you, like Pamela, are also organised for xmas It will be different without your mum and dad but I know you'll have a lovely time.You enjoy your week off and try not to work TOO hard in the house.I agree, it's super to see the forum alive again.Hope your niece and her fiancee get to that lantern festival.
POSH PUSS, I guess those builders have left now.Sounds as if you had a nice relaxing day visiting your brother.Hope your cats have settled down now. My cats hate noise as well.

Thanks everyone, for your kind thoughts towards Willow.

Love to all Catsey cats, dogs and their guardians.

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