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17-11-2006, 04:49 PM   #221

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Originally Posted by julie
why is it that people on here cant be trueful about the fact that if an animal as problem with his stomach and cant hold its own poo that there is something major wrong, as i ive said before it is very unlikely that it will ever get completley better and keep putting it on the paste is not going to completley cure the problem only mask it at least im being honest about the situation none of us are vets so why advise things that are proberly not good and switching vets is not the answer either now they know the history of it, it is best to stay with them as you will only have to start all over again and pay more money out. sorry to be blunt but at least i am honest to say.
We all know Teddy has a problem, no one more so that Alex which is why another vet might be able to help further. There is absolutely nothing wrong with changing your vet if you are not happy with them. Alex and every one else knows the paste may not be the cure but it may help aleviate some of the stress on Teddies tummy. Alex may not have to pay out loads more money if the old vet can give the test results to the new vet but the new vet may be more experienced in these matters and be able to offer more help and support to Alex and Teddy.
Honesty is one thing Julie but some possitive and constructive help is needed here not negativity.

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17-11-2006, 05:40 PM   #222

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Originally Posted by julie
why is it that people on here cant be trueful about the fact that if an animal as problem with his stomach and cant hold its own poo that there is something major wrong, as i ive said before it is very unlikely that it will ever get completley better and keep putting it on the paste is not going to completley cure the problem only mask it at least im being honest about the situation none of us are vets so why advise things that are proberly not good and switching vets is not the answer either now they know the history of it, it is best to stay with them as you will only have to start all over again and pay more money out. sorry to be blunt but at least i am honest to say.
I disagree!! My kitten had a chronic diarrhoea for about 2 months and with the help of the paste, a sensitive diet and the right antibiotic it is now thankfully, cured. My vet said things like Giardia can be difficult to diagnose and indeed treat. So one stool sample alone, in my opinion, is not the basis to say that someone's cat has something major wrong with it My kitten was certainly not runt of the litter!! I think you ought to be a little more diplomatic in the way you post. I have found some of your comments offensive

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17-11-2006, 05:44 PM   #223

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Whilst we are all 100%behind Alex and are wishing with all our hearts that Teddie pulls through, I do understand what Julie is saying - and it's a subject we've all danced around - what happens if nothing works?

I do think the post could have been a little more senstively put - however as we all know, written words can sometimes appear harsh when no harshness is intended.

I for one will be supporting Alex fully in whatever treatments she decides for her little Teddie. After all - she knows her cat best and will make whatever decisions she has to totally in Teddie's best interest. And anything I can do in terms of sharing knowledge or any other help for that matter, I will do.

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17-11-2006, 06:20 PM   #224

Re: Very worried about Teddy

How do you know Teddie will never be completely better Julie???
Alex is doing everything she can for this kitten,she is not about to give up and say, nothing can be done for her....As Fran has pointed out, her kittens had the same problem and is now a normal healthy kitten....
I am sure if Teddie has a major problem the vet would had said so..
I too find your post a bit harsh!

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17-11-2006, 07:03 PM   #225

Re: Very worried about Teddy

To reply to Julies comments. I have sat many times discussing with my husband and my vet what the options for Teddie are. The vet doesn't think that there is anything major wrong with her, more that the runs she had originally which we think were move stress related never had a chance to settle. when we found a food that settled her and she was doing normal poos, she and the other kitten we have, started to steal each others food. Teddie was on HiLife and Cooper on Whiskas. The whiskas gave her the runs again as it was too rich for her, and for some reason has nrver settled down again since. The common thought is that is is dietary. The reason I am thinking of changing my vet is because of advice on here that giardia can be difficult to detect but my vet hasn't suggested re-testing her for it, and I feel that is a lack of knowledge on his behalf. Up until this point he has been extremely good with Teddie. Also regarding the PTS issue. I am fully aware that this might be the eventual outcome, but Teddie is a member of my family, and I would no sooner give up on her than I would either of my daughters. Other members of the forum have expressed the same thought on a few occasions to me and I have not got a problem with them mentioning it. However! As we have not reached that stage with Teddie and we are still giving her every chance, I feel that you could have perhaps been a little more sensitive in your comments. It is never easy for anyone to face the loss of a pet (look at a few of the posts from very recently where members have lost beloved cats) and to put your point across so bluntly to someone whom you don't know strikes me as quite cold.

Oh and Smudgley, yes she has been tested for all 3 of the things you mentioned. They all came back clear, though I obviously know now that giardia might not always be detected.

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17-11-2006, 07:23 PM   #226

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Originally Posted by julie
why is it that people on here cant be trueful about the fact that if an animal as problem with his stomach and cant hold its own poo that there is something major wrong, as i ive said before it is very unlikely that it will ever get completley better and keep putting it on the paste is not going to completley cure the problem only mask it at least im being honest about the situation none of us are vets so why advise things that are proberly not good and switching vets is not the answer either now they know the history of it, it is best to stay with them as you will only have to start all over again and pay more money out. sorry to be blunt but at least i am honest to say.
Julie are you a vet????? We are all here (well most of us) to give support to other Catsey members, I am quite confident that we can get to the bottom (sorry Teddie ) of this problem. Teddie has shown that she can produce a normal feces and it could be something so simple that she has got a allergy to something in her food.

And your quote about "pay more money out" what has that got to do with you???? I paid some money to Alex for a visit to the vets, and what I and other members do with their money is nothing to do with you....quite frankly if it costs thousands of £ to help this cat out and members and Alex are willing to pay it, then money isn't and shouldn't be a consideration.

Quite frankly if you cannot be supportive to another member then perhaps Catsey isn't for you, or at least this thread isn't.

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17-11-2006, 07:46 PM   #227

Re: Very worried about Teddy

oh dear i have some what upset you all, my dears im sorry if you find me effensive but i was brought up on a farm and it gives you a different outlook on animals lives. we had farm cats and had been in simular positions with one of ours. sometimes its best for the animal itself not to suffer any further. it must be suffering having to keep changing its diet all the timeand could obviously be suffering stomach pains,animals cant talk unfortunatley so we dont really know what kind of pain there suffering. and for being a vet no im not and none any of you so what right have any of you to advise .

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17-11-2006, 07:52 PM   #228

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Originally Posted by julie
oh dear i have some what upset you all, my dears im sorry if you find me effensive but i was brought up on a farm and it gives you a different outlook on animals lives. we had farm cats and had been in simular positions with one of ours. sometimes its best for the animal itself not to suffer any further. it must be suffering having to keep changing its diet all the timeand could obviously be suffering stomach pains,animals cant talk unfortunatley so we dont really know what kind of pain there suffering. and for being a vet no im not and none any of you so what right have any of you to advise .
Excuse me!!! who said this cat was suffering???? so if a child has an upset tummy you thing then it would be ok for "it not to suffer any more"??? We are talking about a cat with an upset tummy for heaven sake!!

Jesus, give me a break!!!

And who are you to say what we CAN and CANNOT do???

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17-11-2006, 07:53 PM   #229

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Can anyone smell a Troll??!!

I would think perhaps you have come to the wrong forum Julie, we all love our Cats Julie and are willing to help them in any way we can, we may not always agree but its the one thing that binds ALL the members on here. You have made your point clear, but unless you are a qualified Vet and have seen the history of "Teddie" then YOU cannot tell people their case is hopeless. If this Cat were ill in itself, not wanting to do anything, refusing to eat, being sick all the time, then I am sure things WOULD look different, but that simply isnt the caes, its not black and white and Alex WILL find the cause and the cure for her Cat.

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17-11-2006, 07:54 PM   #230

Re: Very worried about Teddy

Originally Posted by borderdawn
Can anyone smell a Troll??!!

I would think perhaps you have come to the wrong forum Julie, we all love our Cats Julie and are willing to help them in any way we can, we may not always agree but its the one thing that binds ALL the members on here. You have made your point clear, but unless you are a qualified Vet and have seen the history of "Teddie" then YOU cannot tell people their case is hopeless. If this Cat were ill in itself, not wanting to do anything, refusing to eat, being sick all the time, then I am sure things WOULD look different, but that simply isnt the caes, its not black and white and Alex WILL find the cause and the cure for her Cat.
I was just trying to post a comment about dear little Julie being a Troll, she only joined up yesterday evening I noticed and was reading Alex's thread.

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