Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes. I saw the vet earlier but it was decided that we would leave Porsha at home due to the stress of travelling and the awful mess she would be in when she got there. We had a long chat and she has commended me for how well I have 'coped' with Porsha's problems so far. She also said that if Porsha was hers she would pts
but since she isn't and as both her and I feel the need to explore every avenue possible in the hope that she can be cured she is willing to do a few more tests including the biopsy sometime next week. One thing the vet said to me cut a chord, she said you really wish you had never got her don't you? and I can honestly say that whilst I regret being 'taken in' by her breeder, I don't regret bringing her home as she has brought me so much love and fun in between her down episodes. Fingers crossed that the biopsy will provide answers and hopefully a subsequent treatment. The biopsy op is not without risk and she will have to stay at the vets at least 24 hours after the op as the risk of peritonitis is quite high apparantly. Please keep the good wishes and healing vibes coming for her, she's going to need them me thinks