My two were exactly the same, and they are still nervy of new people, you won't see them for dust if anyone else comes into my house, but they're fine with me now! I stressed so much in the start over Ocean and Choco as everyone on here well knows....but they're fantastic now, they just took their time! To be honest I'm glad they're not overly social cats - makes me feel special! xx
PS In relation to keeping her in a smaller area - I did that, it helped! I also made sure that they only had food when I gave it to them first, as in they saw me feeding them, so they associated seeing me put down the food.... eventually that meant that Ocean would rub against my leg etc and I could stroke him when he was eating. Choco was nervous and only really came around to me holding her etc a couple of months all has to be done at their pace unfortunately! But she will be fine with you!