Thank you guys so much for your support....I thought I was going a bit mad for a second there

Matt means well, but it's funny....He's an animal person at heart, and since he's been with me, he's begun to let himself act like one more and more (if he really wasn't an animal lover, he wouldn't be able to stand living in our house hehehee). But he comes from a family that really isn't into animals as long term family members....they're very nice people, but they're the type of people that have gotten puppies, kept them for a few months, and then gave them away when they started jumping on the kids or got ''too difficult to handle'' or whatever

Definitely not my mindset, that's for sure. He doesn't share that mindset either (I couldn't be with him if he did), but he still kind of fights the fact that he thinks more like an animal person than a non-animal person because of the way he was raised, and so he gets stupid, uninformed ideas in his head, like the whole declawing nonsense. At one point, I had to say to him something along the lines of: "Look, I don't know why you keep bringing the declawing thing up, because it's pointless, and it's never ever EVER going to happen, period. If you didn't want claws on your furniture, we shouldn't have gotten a cat. But we have her now, and she is the sweetest, most loving little thing in the world, and at this point, I'm not going to rehome her since she's clearly become very bonded with us. It wouldn't be fair to her. So that leaves you with 2 options: 1) You can listen to my alternatives to declawing and take me seriously for a change, and we can do what it takes to make a comprimise, like clipping her nails, or 2) You can take your perfect furniture and move somewhere else with it if you find that it's that important to you, because our furniture is replaceable, our pets are not, and I'm putting my foot down about this, and the discussion is closed. If you don't like it, that's not my problem. End of story." And viola, he zipped his lid for five seconds and listened to what I had to say, we clipped her nails, and this whole thing has worked itself out wonderfully. Suprise, suprise.

Plus, Charlotte got a little bit of early nail clipping training in. I just don't know why it takes him so dang long to listen to me and to trust that I do know what I'm talking about sometimes lol. sigh....But this is why I happily take care of all the animal related things in the house. Sorry.....end of rant lol
Charlotte is the sweetest kitten I've ever met...she follows me around everywhere and always falls asleep on my lap. She sleeps with me, and I wake up at night to her staring into my face, purring lol....that kind of freaks me out, but it's still very cute hehehee. She's already started bossing my four dogs around; it's nice to have some help keeping them in line!!! lol

I gave her her first bath yesterday afternoon, and while she didn't really care for it and she cried almost the whole time, she didn't fight me, and she came right up to me afterwards and layed on my lap. I was afraid that she'd be mad for a day or two lol. We are constantly laughing at her little antics, and she's always using the house as a race track!!! It's hilarious! Let's just say that it didn't take me long to fall in love with the little fuzz ball
Well, I only have one postable picture of her right now....My camera freaked out and died, and so the only way that I can take any pictures is on my cell phone, and I need to get a cable so I can upload them onto the computer. I"ll probably get one this weekend. So thank you all so so much for your help, advise, and isn't always easy being the biggest animal person in the house lol. I'm so happy that I found this forum!!!! Here's the lovely Charlotte:
Have an awesome day everybody, two legged and four legged!!!!! ~Julie