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16-03-2010, 06:18 PM   #21

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

Originally Posted by trick
so its not realy about the the cat going through it but you, and going through potentialy life threatening labour is ok because its cute and sweet???
Couldnt agree more Trick.
Cat's have no expectation of parenthood, we as humans impress our morals and selfish needs upon them.
If my cat was not spayed and had managed to escape just before the spay date, as soon as she arrived back, I'd have called the vet and booked her in again. I wouldnt have waited in hope of more kittens being born.
Every month we have "accidental" litters on this forum, rescues are full to bursting, many cats and kittens are destroyed each day because there are not enough homes. Each "accidental" litter owner we read about has some how managed to find "good and loving homes" for the kittens while rescues struggle to find homes for existing cats and kittens.
Here's a few to coo and aww over due to indescriminate breeding, and the rescue was left to pick up the pieces and pay the vet bills while the rescue broke their hearts as each one died.

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16-03-2010, 06:23 PM   #22

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

Originally Posted by Aquatic
Seriously Trick I don't see what your problem is if you were to be put through the exact same situation I bet you would do the same as emmz has done.
So don't be so rude to people and think about there feelings and what's going on before you comment.
And yes it is about the cat going through it but the cat WAS getting spayed as she said but the cat got out and was gone 5 days and got pregnant it's not as if she planned it all out and that she wanted it to happen!
You have really upset her from your last post. I'm sorry that I have to be like this but you really shouldn't be so rude and upset people like this.

It's eaqually upsetting for those who pick up the pieces from these "Accidents" to watch and read these threads over and over.
To sit back and do/say nothing and to ooh and ahh over indescriminate breeding practices is to condone the situation. As we are ALL supposed to be cat lovers, surely we should be concerned with indescriminate breeding practises.

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16-03-2010, 06:29 PM   #23

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

ye I'm a cat lover and I do think people who do this to there cats are sad but at the end of the day she didn't plan any of this and after reading what trick had written had upset me and it has also upset emmz as well.
I'm not saying this kind of breeding is right but she didn't plan for any of this to happen.
And what's done is done.

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16-03-2010, 06:30 PM   #24

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

I have to deal with situations like this on a daily basis and I have little time for people when they consider their own feeling before their animals and the cat population in general.

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16-03-2010, 06:33 PM   #25

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

Originally Posted by Aquatic
ye I'm a cat lover and I do think people who do this to there cats are sad but at the end of the day she didn't plan any of this and after reading what trick had written had upset me and it has also upset emmz as well.
I'm not saying this kind of breeding is right but she didn't plan for any of this to happen.
And what's done is done.
Then why not simply reschedule the spay when the cat returned 5 days later? At that point the kittens were not kittens and no one would have been any the wiser.

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16-03-2010, 06:33 PM   #26

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

I'm sorry if I've come across as rude and if I have been nasty to anybody and I see where you all are coming from but there's still no reason to be so rude to poor emmz and she was very upset by one of your posts Trick.

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16-03-2010, 06:37 PM   #27

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

Originally Posted by Aquatic
I'm sorry if I've come across as rude and if I have been nasty to anybody and I see where you all are coming from but there's still no reason to be so rude to poor emmz and she was very upset by one of your posts Trick.
I dont see where Trick was rude, only an honest opinion, to which we are all entitled.
People get upset and defensive when faced with a truth they may not want to see.

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16-03-2010, 06:41 PM   #28

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

she just seemed a bit rude to me and that's my opinion.
I'm sorry if I have seemed rude and horrible to everyone I'm not normally like this don't know why I am.

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16-03-2010, 06:49 PM   #29

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

As owners we are entirly resonsable for our pets from feeding, toileting, grooming and health, these accidents happen way to often for me to congratulte people.

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16-03-2010, 06:55 PM   #30

Re: I think the babys may be on the way!!!!! yay

In the best of all possible worlds, everyone would have their cat spayed at the right moment and there would be no unplanned pregnancies at all. Having said that though, there are times and places to voice these thoughts and opinions and when a cat is about to have or having or just had her kits is not the time to do it IMO.

emmz knows all this anyway and she was asking for help with her cat - please can we just give help where it is requested and leave the discussions about the rights and wrongs for another time, otherwise no-one will want to ask again.

I am sorry emmz if you've been upset.

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