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10-10-2010, 08:55 PM   #21

Re: Bright and breezy Sunday

No way a horrible influence!!!!! Input always welcomed; not necessarily acted upon always, but always gladly received. And I am really tempted, especially with the rash of little kittens on here lately ... there is nothing cuter than a kitten. Unfortunately, don't know of a Rent-A-Kitten outlet around here....

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10-10-2010, 09:04 PM   #22

Re: Bright and breezy Sunday

Haha, Rent-A-Kitten. I suspect they'd go out of business if they existed because no one would return them!
But one thing to consider if you were ever curious enough--you could try being a foster mum for a kitten rescue...
That way, if it doesn't go well, you haven't broken any promises, you could really test things out, and if it didn't work out no harm done, you did a great service for a kitten in need and you could send them on their way to a forever home. Something to think about, perhaps?

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10-10-2010, 09:28 PM   #23

Re: Bright and breezy Sunday

That's an excellent point, I admit I hadn't thought about that.. But I'd be devastated if Leia actually hurt a kitten. She probably wouldn't, but she was so scary when she went into attack mode: no pileoerection, hissing, growling or other preliminary cat fight proceedings.... just dilated pupils, ears back and a swift attack like a heat seeking missile,. Frightened the living bejesus out of me seeing my gentle, laid-back cat turn into that!

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10-10-2010, 09:37 PM   #24

Re: Bright and breezy Sunday

Yes, I'm sure that is very scary.
Well, if you were ever curious enough to try, what you could do is seperate the kitten in another room where she does not have access until they get used to each other's scent. Then you could gradually move up to putting the kitten in an enclosure/enclosed playpen (I know a great place for one, it works great for these kinds of things) in the same room as Leia and let them gradually sniff each other through the bars so no harm could be done to either and they could get used to each other's presence/appearance. You could do slow baby steps like this for a slow, gradual introduction. I have even heard of a method where you get each of their scent on a blanket and interchange the blankets before introducing them..then after a week or so you get Both scents on the blanket and put it under the door adjoining the separate rooms. Then you put some catnip at the doorjam where they will surely be pawing at each other through the gap and let them "interact" by touching only this way. I can send you a link to it if you are interested

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10-10-2010, 10:39 PM   #25

Re: Bright and breezy Sunday

What a grand thought! Actually that's why a got a pen before Pip came along. I couldn't believe that Kizzy would hurt a little 'un, but I couldn't be sure and I wasn't there to supervise at night when asleep. I knew he would be safe in his pen at night. He seemed SO small.

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10-10-2010, 10:47 PM   #26

Re: Bright and breezy Sunday

Thanks both, that's given m something to think about. I tried the scent exchange with Leia and Onyx.... they were both very familiar with one anothers. When I went outside to feed Onyx she scent-marked me like crazy; when back in the house Leia proceeded to cover it with hers. The pen is a good idea.

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