Originally Posted by pookyandjo
ROFL!!... bad mental picture of you Kazz.... picturing a hospital gown... with the back half open.... you dragging your IV pole with one hand... laptop under the other arm.....
hope you're felling better really soon... at least you have your laptop..small consolation i know...but it's something
Well you made me laugh........I used my IV stand to hang my mobile on....as I shuffled around the wards...
I am awake now as I was woken by an emergency admission into the next side ward to me. I managed to get a cup of tea out of the nurses.... but can't get back to sleep .My 5 roommates all have had surgery today and their machines are beeping in synchall but one which is beeping against the others.....therefore not lulling me to sleep like earlier.
Also I think as soon as I drop off they will wake me to check my blood pressure.....etc.
Oh well I will try...night all. I hope.