Originally Posted by dinahsmum
aww Snoof - what a bummer!
Never mind - it wasn't meant to be. Your new babies will turn up, and now they know you at the shelter, who knows?
I understand what you are saying about empty pens or quick turnaround - sounds good! Maybe people aren't as horrid as we thought.
I'm strangely ok with it, DM - taking that as another sign that it wasn't meant to be. While all 3 of the little ones were absolutely gorgeous, I was just at peace knowing he was going somewhere else. The man working for the rescue did say it still depends on the homecheck, but I honestly don't believe homechecks go wrong particularly often, and if this one does then I expect he'll find a home rather sharpish
We're going to check with another shelter in Kendal and keep checking with the one in Lancaster, and if either of them have kittens in anytime soon (and the one in Kendal rehomes to Lancaster/Morecambe) we'll go and see along with Rufus' humans on Sunday after going to an all-you-can-eat Indian buffet.
I know that the kittens will find us soon. So I'm not too bothered if someone else got to give this little chap a home