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Chairman Miaow's Avatar
Catsey Junior
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 44
02-12-2005, 02:33 PM   #21

Re: Breeding

Spoke to breeder about the possibilty of starting a breeding program. She was very nice, she took down my details and told me to meet her at the show for a chat!

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Maine Coon slave's Avatar
Catsey Junior
Cats owned: Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest
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Posts: 35
02-12-2005, 02:36 PM   #22

Re: Breeding

Good luck with the breeding, it takes dedication and can be an expensive business too. A friend of mine used to breed and lots of people think it's easy money, just boy meets girl and kittens arrive to sell!!! It's not until you get to know a breeder and understand their daily routine and see the expense of 13 weeks of feeding, cat littering and vetting kittens that you realise just how much is required. God knows it's even worse if you're unfortunate enough to have a problem with the mum or babies.
But, again best of luck with it and it's lovely to have kittens around but she found it sooooo hard to let them go.

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Chairman Miaow's Avatar
Catsey Junior
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 44
02-12-2005, 05:19 PM   #23

Re: Breeding

I have been reading a lot of books about breeding and genetics so I have an idea from the author’s experience. However, I understand that I will not totally comprehend this experience until I have done it myself. I am doing this for the right reason not for a quick buck I know I won't make money out of breeding for that reason and I am fine with that, it a hobby not a job. If it all goes wrong, or if I decide its not for me, I will neuter the cat and have a lovely pet to take to shows.
Thank you for your advice.

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