Just revived this thread to say I just got in from shopping... So walked into the conservatory to put some stuff in the freezer (having battled the torn bag of flour of DOOM
) and blinked twice... There were twice as many cats on the ledge as I'd expected!
The cat (markings sort of like a Turkish Van but short-hair and the ear markings are a bit sketchy - otherwise ginger stripy tail and the rest white) that we've been suspecting of eating Ninja's kibble was next to the box and indeed eating Ninja's kibble! Ninja was in his box and looked at me in a shocked sort of wide-eyed way. I opened the freezer and put stuff in (we're not sure the white-ginger one has a home, he's a bit scruffy-looking and doesn't seem to have a collar and he's generally very scared of people and legs it when he hears someone in the kitchen - so we don't mind him coming in and eating Ninja's kibble as Ninja really doesn't seem to care), and when I saw Ninja looking at me I stopped moving and looked back, and I could swear he did a feline equivalent of smiling and then gave me a slow blink, which I returned.
The white-and-ginger seems to think we're mad, but when I went into the kitchen to get some more stuff, he was still there when I went back into the conservatory. I'm hoping eventually he'll be relaxed enough around us for me to figure out if he has a home, because if he doesn't (or she
I wouldn't know, would I) we'd be willing to give him one.