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18-05-2006, 08:36 AM   #21

Re: What is the world coming to - scary, scary

'The authorities' are working hard in these parts to try to break the cycle. Where a young girl has a baby unsupported they try to ensure that a second baby doesn't follow swiftly and, once she has settled after the birth, they do all they can to get the mother either back into education or into a career where she can work suitable hours and take some on-the-job training. Holding educational qualifications appears to be the most important factor.

The aim is to try to prevent this recurring generation after generation.

It is so difficult for parents to swim against the tide of almost everything surrounding their children, in terms of assumptions that everybody engages in sexual activity all the time - TV and music would have little to show if there was no sex/sexual innuendo! - and even clothing. How I hate to see 7 year olds, who should be playing with dolls, wearing crop tops with 'Sexy' sequinned across the front.

Oh dear - here's that grumpy old woman again!

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18-05-2006, 09:57 AM   #22

Re: What is the world coming to - scary, scary

Not at all DM . . . sometimes grumpy is good

At present I'm cursed with having to watch children's TV and all I can say is 'thank heaven' I have a boy and a boy on the way!!! They are currently advertising somthing on Channel 5 called (I think) Bratz Babies Bling These are little dolls who look like babies (big eyes, chubby cheeks) but who have the bodies of women and dress like that too + make up etc. Now they're specifically aiming them at the tweenie market and giving them the added sparkle of tackly, in-your-face, jewellery. So, not only are they encouraged to look like mini-hookers (sorry - harsh but true) they're also encouraged to get into debt and buy this ghastly chav-wear . . .

Even Domi's got the message coz when the ad comes on he frowns and says 'dat rubbish Mummy'

Nat - I don't think anyone is against having a child young, and your attitude is very responsible in terms of education and prevention - I have friends who were 17 and 18 when they had kids and my Mum's mum was only 17 when she had her (in the mid 1920s)!!.

The real worry is with the VERY young girls who end up with children of their own for the WRONG reasons . . . i.e., to get somewhere to live usually or to trap their man (boy) and the fact that this is promoted as a positive route but 'adults' who really, really should know better.

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bobbie3917's Avatar
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18-05-2006, 05:03 PM   #23

Re: What is the world coming to - scary, scary

hi DM i 100% agree with you, i like my girls to look nice but i don't buy them anything that makes them look like tarts.

and the thing i am trying to say Yola, isi cant stop my kids having sex young (any1 that thinks they can is fooling themselves) but i can try my hardest to stop accidents happening
i have been preg 4 times the first at only 15, i never wanted kids but when i lost that baby at 20 weeks i wanted what was taking away from me, that baby was with my ex and was an accident if i was on the pill or even thought about condoms i might not of fallen preg and might not of stayed with my ex for the next 12 years. my life could of been so different. i want to give my kids the chance to get on with there lives before babies come along by accident

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