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07-08-2006, 04:47 PM   #21

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by yola
Wow Kim - that's a lovely comment! Thanks for that.

Am I accurate though Yola??

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07-08-2006, 04:59 PM   #22

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by Donna
I imagine EmmaG to be quite intelligent and professional in her working world, very honest and calm in stressful situations.

Outside of work I imagine her to be very relaxed in her home life, enjoying her creative side with her artwork and gardening. Must be very patient to enable her to wait for her seeds to grow and drawings to come to life.

She is very domesticated and is good at cooking too and loves to try out new recipes.

She is also very caring and loves her kits and anything else that turns up in her garden or road!!

(Hope you are not offended Emma!)
Offended??? Hardly Donna, very kind words and very observant.


Busy hard working mum, devoted to her children. A bit of a perfectionist at work and always trying to improve the workplace.

Sometimes scared to try new things, but once she does there is no stopping her, she really doesn't realise how good she can be when she puts her mind to it, and she should try new things more often

Shy at first but a true friend when friendship develops.

A very nice and genuine person to know


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07-08-2006, 05:05 PM   #23

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Modern? I suppose so . . . more by design than desire - my husband is not the old-fashioned chivalrous type But I suppose my attitudes are quite of 'today' although I do find myself more and more saying 'when I were young . . . . '

I do say what I think but will shy away from confrontation for as long as possible. If it means I stay quiet, or keep my thoughts to myself to avoid an argument then 9 times out of 10 that is what I will do. Not to say I'm a push-over but I just hate rucks

Honest? Sometimes too honest . . . I'd never make a politician nor do I make a very good business person as I don't 'play the game' - deviousness is not in my nature and I couldn't be dishonest to save my life!

Caring? I'd like to think so. I can be a bit harsh sometimes and the caring thing doesn't always come through - so I need to work on that aspect

Articulate? Some might say gobby!!! But my ex-h used to get very frustrated (as does current one) because they rarely win an argument with me (a discussive type argument rather than a row). But yes - I can put together a cohesive verbal and written case for most things

Doesn't suffer folls gladly? Yes - I hate stupidity - the inane stupidity of people who should know better - with a passion!!!

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07-08-2006, 05:17 PM   #24

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by EmmaG
Offended??? Hardly Donna, very kind words and very observant.


Busy hard working mum, devoted to her children. A bit of a perfectionist at work and always trying to improve the workplace.

Sometimes scared to try new things, but once she does there is no stopping her, she really doesn't realise how good she can be when she puts her mind to it, and she should try new things more often

Shy at first but a true friend when friendship develops.

A very nice and genuine person to know


Awww thanks Emma, thats very accurate

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07-08-2006, 05:56 PM   #25

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

LUKE. i see him as a young possibly about 15 coming up to 16 lad, bit cheeky to mum, but not in a nasty way, helpfull at home and will do it with out too much of a fight, they way he helped organise that party was great, he has a but of a grumble but gets over his *outburst* quickly.
a lovely young man, with a good sense of humour, and obiosly loves his animals.

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07-08-2006, 06:09 PM   #26

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers


A lady who likes to keep busy and has a wonderful family life.
Very sweet natured and friendly to all....
.........just comes across as a very, very nice person!


A lady who has fitted into Catpages like a glove! A happy-go-lucky person who, after years of experience, is still willing to learn and keep up with modern technology....


A 'correct' lady with a sense of humour. I imagine she would be confident to handle most situations.
Enjoys life.....and travelling....


Kazz is a person who doesn't show her true feelings on the board.......she is more concerned for others and is never short of a kind word,
A very helpful person to others....wish she was my neighbour

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07-08-2006, 07:05 PM   #27

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

See I see Luke as the Soccers apprentice, you know wants everything but not got the time to wait. Typical teenager really. A kind lad who tries to hard to 'fit' in, and is easily hurt friends although he wouldn't let them see that, but would do anything to help anyone, he adores his slightly nutty family.

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07-08-2006, 08:00 PM   #28

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Mags & Naomi:thanks for the kind words; you have pinpointed me quite well! I am generally a happy person (glass half full) & do love learning new things; also like to share what I can...sometimes I think I use too many anecdotes from my past trying to explain things... Mags: kind is the word that comes to mind first: I have never since I've been here been embarrased to e-mail Mags with a stupid question as it just came through to me that she wouldn't laugh and would answer helpfully. Donna: strength! EmmaG: professional at work but a real home lover. Luke: typical teen, but wise beyond his years in some ways. Kazz: a truly good person. Any and all of you would be people that I wished lived in my neighborhood & could be friends in actuality instead of cyberspace.

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07-08-2006, 09:23 PM   #29

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Last edited by dandysmom : Today at 08:02 PM. Reason: spekking errors

Sorry, Eileen, this made me smile! I must have rather a wicked sense of humour!

Yola, I was quite accurate then?

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07-08-2006, 09:28 PM   #30

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by Mags

Organised - has to be with all those pets as well as her family! Always helpful and willing to answer a question regarding animals if she can.....
Leads a busy life, knows what she wants out of life......
Polite and friendly to people, hates any form of nastiness and will defend what she thinks is right.
I see her as an Anneka Rice type.....will try anything!
Thank you Mags You have me mostly correct I think. I will def defend with a passion what I think is right And I will try anything once - well almost anything

Jac - A very sincere, kind person who suffers a little self confidence. A home-loving person who's children are her world. I see her as the sort of person who makes lifelong friendships and would bend over backwards for her friends. She is a good samaritan and would help anyone and everyone in need at her own expense. She knows how to have a good time and enjoy herself but needs to let her hair down a little more often

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