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06-06-2009, 04:17 PM   #21

Re: When to stop??

It's nice you have a good and trustworthy friend as your executor Eileen. Perhaps that's the way for us to go - the solicitor is currently our executor - like you, I have no siblings and OH is not keen to get his brother involved.

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06-06-2009, 04:33 PM   #22

Re: When to stop??

It is a problem when there's no family; fortunately I know Carolyn would do it even if it weren't in the Will.

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06-06-2009, 08:10 PM   #23

Re: When to stop??

A friend and I have in our wills that any animals we own at the time of our death becomes their property. We have also left each other a sum of money which is meant to take care of said animals for their life.

Not easy, and I am fortunate to have such a friend. My sister was not interested in doing anything official.

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07-06-2009, 12:19 AM   #24

Re: When to stop??

Originally Posted by moonstone
Agree with you there Elaine..I hate RSPCA they are useless..I reported the neighbours who had my kitties..they had four un-neutered cats (2 males 2 females)they were starved,filthy and crawling with fleas yet the inspector found nothing wrong.
My dad found a 6 week old kitten one year, the RSPCA were useless. Gave vague information and would not consider taking it off their hands as my parents could not keep it. They actually advocated it should be pts. In the end they thankfully took it to the Cats Protection where it got a new home (thankfully it was healthy).

Where I used to live, there was some supposedly "feral" cats living in a garage. (Out of the 6 cats only one was truly feral - the rest were handleable.) The RSPCA came out once but blindly refused to do anything. In the end our shelter of the Cats Protection took them, and they all got found homes (except the feral who got released back once neutered). Also they parked outside a home where there was a ringworm kitty and refused to do anything, even though it was in full sight of anything, even when they (the people who owned the ringworm kitty) got reported.

As for mine, they will got back to the Cats Protection, as there is no way I would let the RSPCA get them (thankfully the nearest RSPCA shelter is 30 miles away).

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07-06-2009, 03:41 AM   #25

Re: When to stop??

Like you Eileen we have made provision in our wills.. in fact we re did them a few weeks ago because we have had some changes in the last 8 months (selling some property etc) and becuse we are heading off again OS we want to get some things tidied up..if something happened to David and I Cait would obviously look after whatever cats we had at the time... but she sometimes travels with us so we had to make provisions for that eventuality..we have alloted an amount to be left in trust for our cats and have nominated a dear friend who loves our cats ( she works at the vet where we have been going for years )
As an aside.. after what we went through with Tinky...we have actually left another amount in trust to pay for emergency surgery for peoples cats where they might not be able to afford it... to be distributed according to a schedule that we drew up... i mainly did this because each time one of our cats has got sick we were lucky enough to have the money avaialble to pay for the treatment required... if we didn't they may have had to be PTS... that is a heartbreaking situation for many people whos pets are their family

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07-06-2009, 04:02 PM   #26

Re: When to stop??

What a lovely and generous thing to do, Jo! You've given me something to think about .. . my Will needs revising......

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07-06-2009, 05:40 PM   #27

Re: When to stop??

We have spent lots of time trying to figure out the best way to protect the animals in our care. One thought was to leave the house to the SSPCA, to continue as a santuary and allow the animals already there to live out their lives. However, we don't always agree in the way they do things, and once the place was theirs, there would be nothing stopping then having the animals PTS and selling the place for money. If they had their way Corrie would have already been PTS.
This is one of the reasons we have decided to go for charity status, it may be very unrealistic, but we hope the place becomes a viable organisation and people who love animals as much as us will become involved. Hopefully, then, if something happens to us, the charity will continue to run and save more animals.

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07-06-2009, 09:18 PM   #28

Re: When to stop??

smokytopaz... I see you live in Somerset. Bath Cats and Dogs Home say they will never put a healthy animal down . so I have left something to them plus something for my Millie ..ie if you leave £3,000 to your cat. to be paid at £500 a year it will last 6 years , so it will pay someone to make sure your furry friend is looked after for as long as posable...it has been done through a solicitor. anyway I hope it works as I will not be here. and it is the best I can do..

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07-06-2009, 09:30 PM   #29

Re: When to stop??

Well done, John!

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07-06-2009, 10:07 PM   #30

Re: When to stop??

I don't even have a will, I really should sort that out, it just makes me sad but I have Dusty and Anakin who would go to Myles and I know my dad would be fine with having them as long as he had Myles, but the rest, Maddy, Star and Kiara's breeders would need to be contacted, if they would take them back is another matter though, Tucker would possibly stay with Anakin at a push as I know my sister would twist my dad's arm for him, but poor Charlie and the other 4 cats are likely to end up in rescue and I can't bear to think of it. I'm not even sure my dad would keep Bear if I wasnt here, i'm not sure he'd manage if I wasn't there to help.

And that is why it just makes me sad, if Maddy's breeder never took her back, i'm not sure how she'd cope or if she'd ever find an understanding home.

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